Archived Extracts

the nottinghamshire FREE PRESS

a weeks news dated - January 29th 1932


Missionary anniversary services were held at the Primitive Methodist Church on Sunday. In the afternoon an address was given by Mr. J.W. Rodgers, of Tibshelf, and solos were rendered by Mr. J. Ball, of Stanton Hill (tenor); Mr. Oliver, of Alfreton (bass); and Miss Oliver, of Alfreton (soprano). Mrs. L. Hursthouse, of Huthwaite, gave two elocutionary items. In the evening Mr. Rodgers preached a suitable sermon, and Mr. J. Ball, Mr. Oliver and Miss Oliver gave solos. The organist was Miss S. Mitchell (missionary secretary) to whom the effort was a credit, and who also accompanied the soloists. The collections were for missionary funds.


On Friday afternoon a jumble sale was held at the Common Road Schools by the Mother's Union members on behalf of the bazaar funds. A varied assortment of goods was sold by Mesdames Brown (secretary), Simpson, J. Ensor, Evans, Swain and Turner, and the sum of £3 was realised.

A Sunday School tea party took place in the Common Road Schools on Saturday. The children, forty in number, belonged to the Parish Church classes, and the admission charges will be placed in purses and presented at the bazaar opening. Games and singing followed the tea, and the little ones had an enjoyable time under the supervision of Mrs. Heathcote (superintendent), Misses W. Wright (assistant superintendent), A. Wilson, E. Lawrence, L. Lucas, P. Maltby, J. Stopps and H. Grattage.

In the Free Church Schools on Saturday evening, a hot supper was organised by the lady members of the church on behalf of the church funds. About 50 friends sat down, the menu consisting of sausage and mashed potatoes, peas, cream buns, tea and coffee. The first course had been cooked to a turn, and the whole was tastefully served, the ladies responsible being Mesdames Marshall, A.C. Smith, Bradley, Ramsell, N. Evans, P. Evans, Workman, Purseglove, Herrod, Hawley and Miss Hawley.

A series of functions on behalf of the forthcoming Parish Church bazaar is now taking place, and in this connection a whist drive was held in the Common Road Schools on Wednesday. It was organised by the sidesmen in aid of their bazaar stall, and some very desirable prizes had been given for the occasion. It was something of a pity, therefore, that there was such a meagre attendance. Mr. A. Heathcote, acted as M.C., and the refreshment department was supervised by Mesdames Grierson and Alexander. The prizes were handed by Miss Lineker to the following:- Mrs. H. Ensor (fruit dishes); Mrs. P. Fitchett (box of biscuits); Mr. R. Lowe (pair of lustres); Mr. Calin Peters (wallet). The hidden number prize was also won by Mrs. Fitchett and the Rev. W.L. Boulton thanked all who had assisted.

The members of the New Hucknall Ambulance Division were highly gratified with the support which was accorded to the dance held in the Drill Hall on Saturday night. It was on behalf of the Division's funds, and the attendance exceeded expectations, for about 150 dancers put in an appearance. An ambulance, or first-aid movement, merits public support, whilst the Drill Hall is an ideal place in which to hold a dance. The floor was in good condition, and the dresses made a fascinating display. The Boston Five played for dancing, and all tastes were provided for in the dance programme. As a matter of fact, some of the old-time dances seem to be coming into their own again, and are very popular with many people. The M.C.'s were Messrs. H. White and T. North, who were assisted by Mr. R. Beighton, while minor duties were performed by uniformed members. The refreshments were superintended by Mrs. Slack and assistants, and the success of the venture encouraged the organisers to contemplate holding a similar function in the near future.

Growth of Hosiery Embroidery Factory.

With hosiery manufacture playing so large a part in the industrial activities of Sutton and surrounding districts, and embroidering, or, as it is more popularly known, chevoning, providing as important feature of the work and giving employment to many hundreds of out-workers, it is not surprising to find there has become established at Huthwaite a factory devoted entirely to this side of the industry. This is the firm of Messrs. H.C. and E. Groom, of Lime Avenue, and their rise to success is a remarkable tribute to the enterprise and initiative which the heads of the concern have displayed.

"Clock" in Hose.

Manufacturers of hose, whilst themselves employing a certain number of chevoners, have for years past followed the custom of giving work out to people at their homes to embroider the designs on the sides which are known as "clocks," and Mr. and Mrs. Groom, who constitute the firm of Messrs. H.C. and E. Groom, were themselves associated with this class of work. Acting as agents for different firms, they placed chevoning with numerous out-workers, but their activities at this time - some sixteen years ago - were somewhat limited by reason of the fact that they did not have premises altogether suitable to their needs. The number of out-workers necessary to cope with the orders received was continually being added to and the work of distribution and collection became a big one. At times they were dealing with several hundred dozen pairs of hose a week, and as time progressed it was realised there was a demand for an establishment where workers could be under one roof and orders more promptly and efficiently dealt with.
  To launch out in this direction, however, entailed considerable expense, but three years ago, Mr. and Mrs. Groom decided to take this important step, and finding premises at Lime Avenue, Huthwaite, established the present concern. And their action has been amply justified. By dint of hard work and perseverance they have made advance by leaps and bounds, and to-day are employing in their factory over ninety workers, in addition to which they supply work to a large number of out-workers.

By Hand and Machine.

  Embroidery is being done for some fifteen firms, including some of the best known in the country, and the quality of the work is claimed to be second to none, a fact which is supported by the ever increasing demand, which is being made upon the service they are able to give.
  Some idea of the growth which the business has made can be gathered when it is stated that in 1930 no fewer than 300,000 dozen pairs, of hose were "clocked," the wages paid amounting ot over £15,000. As with other industries, however, the depression of last year was reflected on Messrs. Grooms, with the result that the amount of work done was reduced to 195,516 dozen pairs, but even so, this was exceptionally good having regard to the conditions. With an improvement in industry promised, however, the firm are hoping to be producing more work than ever, and already they are receiving enquiries from different companies in regard to embroidering.
  All classes of "clocking" are carried out, both by hand and machinery, although the best and greatest portion of the work is done by hand. The variety of the patterns worked is a large one, and new designs are week to week being created. The workers are employed under ideal conditions, the workshop, which was enlarged eighteen months ago, being well lighted, ventilated and warmed, and with good feeling existing between employer and employee there is no reason why the firm should not continue to expand and achieve ever increasing success.

Scheme Successfully Inaugurated at Sutton.


The scheme whereby a recreation room has been provided for the use of the unemployed men in Sutton was successfully inaugurated on Friday evening, when a concert was held in the room, which is over the entrance of the Public Baths, Sutton. Mr. G.G. Bonser presided, and was supported by the Revs. R.P. Tinsley and K. Sellers. the room has been provided by the Sutton Urban District Council, and during the remainder of the winter is to be open on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays form two to eight p.m.
  At the outset Mr. Bonser said they had met in a free and easy manner as friends among friends and seeking what they could do for each other. The origin of the meeting was the Librarians; Conference at Cheltenham, where one of the librarians brought forward the question of what unemployed men were to do who did not join clubs and did not care to go to public houses. The question was discussed in the Library Committee, and then a letter was sent to the Urban District Council to see if a room could be provided in which the unemployed could play games, read, smoke and spend a pleasant hour or two in social intercourse.

Getting Together.

"One of the greatest institutions ever formed in the history of England," observed the Chairman, "was the old inn where people used to have their pipes and indulge in conversation which had smoothed many a difficulty and rounded off many a political complaint. We have lost that through our weaknesses. Some of us stopped there too long, and some took more beer that was good for them, so the Government had to step in and regulate us and then they taxed our beer. There is nothing in the world that will settle differences like getting together. The Council had risen to the occasion and placed this room at your disposal. There is nothing to pay - you have simply to come when you feel so disposed and manage the place yourselves. All your friends will see that you are provided with newspapers and means for games. It is you bounden duty as men to help one another, and you can appoint your own committee and manage things yourselves."

Committee Formed.

  They had to realised that it was definitely for the unemployed and old age pensioners. The proposal was to have tables at one end of the room with papers, games, etc., so that there would be something to do whenever they came to the room, which was purely and simply a place of social intercourse where they could have a happy time and try and forget some of their troubles. Papers and games would not be allowed out of the room. The men would be on their honour in this respect, and the Library Committee were sure the room would be used properly. The Baths Superintendent had promised to help all he could, and hoped to be able to supply gramophone music occasionally.
  Mr. E. Burton, a member of the Library Committee, expressed the hope that talks on natural and social history would not be barred, and the Chairman said he saw no reason why these should be.
  The meeting resolved unanimously that the room would be appreciated. The following were elected as a Committee to combine with the Library Committee in the management of the room; Messrs. Clarke, G. Waterfield, H. Boot, H. Bennett, A. Stringfellow and Willey. Committee was given power to co-opt, and Mr. A.W. Hole, of the Sutton Employment Exchange was co-opted.
  Expressing his great sympathy with the movement, the Rev. E. Sellers said he was exceedingly glad when it was brought forward in the Library Committee. It did seem a pity that there should be no place for men to go on wet and cold days, and the Committee felt that anything they could do in the matter would be well worth while. Several people in the town felt the same and were ready to help, and the speaker was sure there would be a good deal of support for the movement. He would gladly do all he could.

Suggested Accommodation for Women.

  Mrs. Morris said she was delighted to see so many present, and she thought it was one of the greatest things the Library Committee could have done. She would do all she could to help forward the movement.
  One of the company asked if men attending the room would get into trouble at the Employment Exchange as a result, as they were supposed to be seeking work.
  The Chairman said if men sought work until two o'clock in the afternoon they would not have done so bad. He promised to see the Exchange officials with regard to the matter.
  In reply to a query as to whether the room could be used by unemployed women on the days when the men were using it, the Chairman said the matter had already been discussed. The room was let for the rest of the week, but the Committee hoped to get a room for women later.
  The speeches were interspersed with the following items, all of which were ably rendered and delighted the audience:- .....


A supper was held on Thursday at the "Shoulder of Mutton," Huthwaite, in connection with the Ladies' Death and Dividing Lodge. After supper, a musical programme was much enjoyed.


Moved by Councillor G. Abbott a motion was passed by Mansfield Town Council on Tuesday night protesting against the reduction in unemployment benefit rates and against the means test.



On Saturday Huthwaite C.W.S. Reserve entertained Alfreton Colliery Reserve and, in view of the fact that the visitors were a much bigger and heavier combination, the home team did well to share a couple of goals.
  The home side stated well, and C. Vardy, who played goal for the colliery, and who is the trainer for the factory side, saved many scoring attempts. However, chances were missed by both sides, and the defences were far superior to the respective attacks. Half time arrived with the score sheet blank.
  On resuming the Colliery, who were the bigger side, wore down the home defence a good deal, but Goth was equal to all shots which came his way until Rowbotham had the misfortune to put through his own goal. Alfreton continued to have the majority of the play, but a break-away resulted in the C.W.S. levelling scores. Fox having the simplest of chances, which he accepted. Both teams played hard for the lead, but when time was called the score was still one all.
  Huthwaite C.W.S. Reserve were represented by:- Groth; Keayon and Rowbotham; Cooper, Gadsby and Merriman; Grofe, Brunt, Booth, Fox and Boot.


Huthwaite Church journeyed to Kirkby to meet Kirkby Park Rangers on Saturday, when the visitors exacted a complete revenge for a 2-3 defeat sustained at Huthwaite, gaining a five clear goals' victory. Result:-
Huthwaite Church, 5; Kirkby Park Rangers, 0.

Written 19 Feb 12 Revised 19 Feb 12 © by Gary Elliott