A whist drive was held in the Common Road Schools on Tuesday evening, when there was a good attendance. The event was organised by Mrs. H. Ensor and Mrs. P. Fitchett, two members of the Mothers' Union, and the proceeds will be put into one of the children's purses to be presented at the opening of the bazaar. The duties of M.C. were carried out by Dr. Vance, and the winners were as follow:- Ladies; 1, Mrs. H.A. Simpson, cut glass vase; 2, Miss A. Brunt, cake knife and plate. Gentlemen: 1, Mr. W. Tomlinson, parcel of groceries; 2, Mr. C.H. Coupe, set of spoons. Miss Whetton won the lucky number prize and was awarded a cake. The prizes were handed out by Miss Farnsworth, and at the close Mrs. Ensor briefly thanked the gathering for their attendance.
A meeting of the Notts. and District Miners' Wages Board was held at the Victoria Station Hotel, Nottingham, on Monday.
Mr. G.A. Spencer presided, and the report of the independent accountant for the three months, October to December, showed that the tonnage for the quarter was 3,461,178, and the man shifts were 2,656,822. The output at the coal face per man was 62.22cwt., and for every man employed 26.06cwt.
The average wage per man per shift was 10s. 6.79d.; the rate per ton at which coal sold for the quarter was 12s. 11.73d.; the wage cost per ton was 8s. 1.32d., and the costs other than wages 3s. 4.37d., leaving a profit of 1s. 6.04d. The ascertainment was 139.05, compared with the January figure of 140.05.
Wages would remain the same as at present, but another large sum would go towards reducing the accumulated deficiency, which now stood at £399,607.
The result of the year's working, stated Mr. Spencer, compared with 1930, was very satisfactory. There had been unfortunately, a decrease in tonnage of 76,965, amounting to 0.5 per cent. of which coal was sold increased 3.05d. per ton, the cost of production was less by 4.32d., and there was an increase in profit of 7.32d. to 1s. 2.71d.
Compared with other districts in the British coalfields, the Notts. coalfield was in an extremely favourable position for, apart form Warwickshire, there was no district at the present time which could equal it.
Unfortunately there had not been more time worked, but it had not been necessary to dismiss large bodies of men, as had been the case in most other districts - notably in Durham, where 30,000 men had been dismissed.
"We cannot for the moment say what the future will hold," stated Mr. Spencer. "Prosperity depends on a variety of circumstances. There is not the least doubt that the fine weather is seriously affecting the coal trade, and, on the other hand, the restrictions of foreign markets is crippling our export trade. We must look to an improvement generally for an improvement in the coal trade.
"I am certain that no Government should hesitate a moment in effectively protecting iron and steel, paper and glass, and things of that character, which require a considerable amount of coal to produce. If British industry had that extra protection which it ought to have, there would be given to the coal trade a fillip which would be reflected in the prosperity of other trades. We must look in that direction for prosperity rather than to foreign markets."
Whilst returning to Sutton early on Monday morning from Lincolnshire, Frederick Ernest Stannard, a member of the Notts. County Constabulary, met his death under tragic circumstances.
He was riding a motor cycle on the Kirklington Road, near Upton, about 8.30 a.m., with a lady pillion passenger, when, during a dense fog, he came into collision with a motor lorry, sustaining serious head injuries, dying almost immediately. His pillion passenger, Miss Lily Hughes, of 18 Jennison Street, Mansfield, was also seriously injured and conveyed at once to Newark Hospital. The motor lorry with which the cyclist came into collision was being driven by Lewis Wilkinson of South Normanton.
Deceased, who had been stationed in Sutton some two months, was a native of Blankney, near Lincoln. The inquest was opened by the Newark Coroner (Mr. A. J. Franks) at Upton on Monday night, and after evidence of identification had been taken was adjourned.
The old Forest stone, which stands prominently in a field at Lyndhurst, at the back of Berry Hill, two miles from Mansfield, has been fenced round by the Duke of Portland. A bronze tablet has been affixed to it inscribed as follows:-
Forest Stone, Lyndhurst, from the ancient Market House of Mansfield, was placed here in 1732 A.D. by Henrietta Cavendish Holles Harley, Countess of Oxford, Lady of the Manor, to mark the site of the great Forest Court of Swainmote. On this place the Justice met the great officers of the Forest every seven years for the administration of its affairs. And here also the verderers met the owners or freeholders in the meadow three times a year for the purpose of retining the pastures.
At the guests of Mansfield Baptist on Saturday, Huthwaite C.W.S. had little difficulty in winning by three clear goals. ...
The second half was almost a repetition of the first, Else had only a few long shots to deal with, and play was chiefly in the home team's area. Briggs completed his hat-trick 23 minutes after the resumption. The visitors ought to have scored far more goals, and Mansfield's defence is to be praised for keeping down the score in such a one-sided game. Teams:-
Huthwaite C.W.S. - Else; Fullwood and Saxton; Walters, Oliver and White; Brunt, Harrison, Briggs, Hassall and Jones.
Written 21 Feb 12 Revised 21 Feb 12 © by Gary Elliott