On Sunday evening at the Gospel Mission service, two solos were sung by Mr. Garrett of Pear Tree Farm, Teversal. He is 76 years of age, but his singing suffered no loss of vigour on that account.
Arranged by the New Fall Street Methodist Women's Guild a meeting for lady members of the Huthwaite Churches was held at the above church on Monday. There was a very encouraging attendance and the Rev. J.H.C. Rogers gave an address on the recent Methodist Church Union, and imparted a great deal of useful information. Solos were rendered by Mrs. Purseglove and Mrs. Bowmar (Sherwood Street Methodist), the organist being Mrs. Sowter (secretary of the Women's Guild). The President (Mrs. Mitchell) expressed the thanks of the gathering to the Rev. J.H.C. Rogers for his address.
At the New Fall Street Methodist Church a musical afternoon was given on Sunday by a united ladies' choir from the churches in the Kirkby district. The choir was not very strong numerically, several members being unable to make the journey, but a very enjoyable programme was given in choruses, duets and solos. The Rev. E. Sellers presided and Mrs. Attwood conducted the choir, the accompanist being Mrs. Wright. There was a good audience, and a collection was taken for the trust funds. The programme included solos, recitations and duets by Mesdames Parkes, Wright, Andrews, Ball and Walters, and at the close the chairman thanked the visitors on behalf of the church members.
Harvest festival services were held at the Gospel Mission Church on Sunday, and the generous gifts of members and large attendances at the service made the festival the most successful yet held. The mission had been decorated by Mesdames Hardy, Brooks and Dobbs, and a huge loaf had been given by Mr. Kay. In the afternoon the children were addressed by Mr. James Wilson (Warsop), who also sang a solo, and at the evening service there was a crowded congregation. The preacher was Mr. R. Marshall (Mansfield Woodhouse) and during the service solos were rendered by Mrs. Nicholls (Tibshelf) and Mr. Wilson, a duet by Mr. Wilson and Miss Vera Hardy, and a recitation by Miss May Robinson (taught by Mr. P. Hardy). The services were entered into in the heartiest manner, and the organ accompaniments were played by Mr. G. Goodwin. On Monday a harvest tea was held and was well attended, and afterwards the produce was sold by auction by Mr. P. Hardy. The total proceeds for trust funds were £6 14s. 4d.
The funeral took place on Thursday of Mrs. Annie Elizabeth Kinsey, of 38, Newcastle Street. Deceased, who was 65 years of age, was a native of Lincoln, but had lived in Huthwaite over 40 years. For the last twelve months she had been confined to the house. She leaves four sons and two daughters, all married. Her late husband, Mr. George Kinsey, died about seven years ago. The last rites were conducted by Mr. A. Wilson, who delivered a suitable address in the Cemetery Chapel. The mourners were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kinsey, Mr. and Mrs. Albert (Grimthorpe), Mr. and Mrs. Herbert (Sutton), Mr. and mrs. Edward (Peterboro), Mr. and Mrs. G.H. Walker and Mr. and Mrs. T. Williamson, sons and daughters; Mr. and Mrs. Pollard (Nottingham), niece; and Violet, granddaughter. Friends were Mr. and Mrs. T. Hurt (Sutton) and Mrs. Golding (Huthwaite). The bearers were Messrs. C. Barnes, S. Hallam, E. Sparham, A. Allsop, C. Allsop and A. Naylor. Floral tributes were sent by the family mourners friends and neighbours.
EXTRACTS from the Committee minutes presented to the Huthwaite Urban Council at the monthly meeting are appended.
Roads and Buildings Committee.- The question of the employment of local labour on the proposed work in connection with the tram track on Sutton Road was discussed, and the Clerk was instructed to make representation to the County Council with a view to the Committee's suggestion being carried out.
Cemetery and Pleasure Grounds Committee.- The Surveyor submitted a report on the progress and cost of the Huthwaite Park scheme up to the 30th September, which was approved. The cost of the further developments of the Park was considered.
It was resolved that the Clerk make further representations to the Carnegie Trust and the Playing Fields Association with a view to obtaining additional grants towards the scheme. It was also resolved that representation be again made to the Miners' Welfare Committee with the same object, and that they be invited to inspect the ground. The Clerk was also instructed to write the C.W.S., Ltd., Manchester, respecting contribution towards the provision of a boating lake, which would give facilities for extinguishing fires at the Huthwaite Factory.
Health and Hospital Committee.- The Medical Officer of Health reported that one death, equivalent to an annual mortality of 2.2 per 1,000, had been notified during the month, the mortality of the preceeding month being the same. Five births, one male and four females, were registered during the month, and no cases of infectious disease were notified.
An account from the Worksop Urban and Rural Isolation Hospital Committee for treatment of two cases from the district at Carlton Hospital, amounting to £70 10s. was considered, and it was resolved that the Committee be requested to reduce their charge of 15s. per day.
Finance and General Purposes Committee.- The Collector's list of rate arrears was considered, and the Clerk was instructed to write explicit to all who had made no effort or promise to pay demanding payment in 14 days.
Members reported upon their attendance at the joint meeting at Stanton Hill between the Council and the Parish Councils of Skegby and Teversal, and after discussion the matter was deferred pending the Skegby Parish Council meeting on Wednesday. A special meeting of the Huthwaite Council (in Committee) is then to be held with a view to the convening of a further parish meeting to consider the proposed amalgamation of the Urban District with the two parishes referred to.
The Clerk submitted estimates of probable income and expenditure of the Council for the half-year ending March 31st., 1933, which were deferred for consideration at the meeting of the Council (in Committee).
An invitation from the President of the Mansfield and District Hospital to members of the Council and officials to attend services at Mansfield in aid of Hospital Funds, was accepted for as many as could make it convenient to attend.
A letter was read from the National Union of General and Municipal Workers requesting the Council to allow and pay for the two Statutory Holidays for their employees in addition to the four Bank Holidays already enjoyed, as recommended by the Non-Trading Joint Industrial Council Schedule. It was resolved that the request be granted.
Public Library Committee.- The Caretaker reported that the number of books issued during the month was 631, as compared with 337 for the corresponding period last year.
The Clerk was instructed to enquire of the Public Assistance Committee as to whether they would accept disused periodicals for use in the Poor Law Institution.
The Caretaker was authorised to distribute a certain quantity of books, no longer fit for circulation, between the Girl Guides, the Schools and others who may require them.
On Saturday, Sutton Harriers had a trial run in preparation for the Manchester to Blackpool Relay. In order to give practice in running an independent race, the men were sent out in threes, with a two minute interval between each group. The selected course was along Priestsic Road, down Mansfield Road, past the Reservoir and round Skegby Sands. This is the first daylight time trial round this course, with the result that the existing records went by the board. The exact distance for the course is not known, but it is estimated to be 4¾ miles.
The result of the trial was as follows:- T. Slaney, 26mins. 35secs,; R. Froggatt, 26mins. 42secs.; J. Farnsworth, 27mins. 20secs.; M. Millington, 27mins. 20secs.; R. Allcock, 27 mins. 51secs.; J.W. Toon, 27mins. 55secs.; T. Byron, 29mins. 12secs.; G. Stain, 29mins. 13secs.; L. Thorpe, 29mins. 26secs.; R. Denshaw, 29mins. 21secs.; J. Hartley, 29mins. 41secs.
After the trial the team to run in the Manchester to Blackpool Relay was selected, and they will run in the order given below. The numbers indicate the relay distance. The team is:- F. Peacock 5.1, J. Farnsworth 5.2, M. Millington 5.45, J.W. Toon 5.2, G. Stain, 4.5, R. Froggatt 5.8, R. Allcock 4.5, T. Byron 4.2, S. Whetton 4.5, T. Slaney 6.6. Reserve, H.S. Bell.
The Rt. Honourable Ellis Green, Lord Mayor of Manchester, will send a letter of greeting to Councillor L. Newsome, Mayor of Blackpool, which is to be carried throughout by the leading runner.
To-morrow the first inter-club contest of the season will take place at Ilkeston. The venue is the Miners' Arms, Derby Road.
In connection with the proposed formation of a cycling club in Sutton, a rally of cyclists will be held on Sunday at the Old Blue Bell at 10 a.m.
Entertaining Meden Bank Red Rose on Saturday, on the Huthwaite Park Ground, in the Notts. Junior Cup, Second Round, Huthwaite Villa won comfortably by five goals to one. There was a good attendance despite the fact that Huthwaite United were also at home. Teams:-
Huthwaite Villa.- F. Brooks, R. Wilson and J. Smith; W. Griffiths, A. Cooke and W. Collins; L. Reeves, S. Hunt, G. Reeves, F. Reeves and L. Fox.
It would appear that the provision of a central omnibus station for Sutton is at last to come into existence. Workmen are now engaged on excavations of the waste piece of land at Manor Square, and in due course we shall no doubt have the satisfaction of seeing a 'bus station which will do credit to the town. It has been far from pleasing to see this large open space going undeveloped for so long, and it is satisfactory to find that at long last the Council have been able to proceed with the work. Seeing the picks and shovels in action reminds me of the cartoon by our artist some years ago of a workman declaring that "Alone I did it." He might have done by now, had he been free to work, but could he speak he would, we are sure, not be inclined to gamble to find that others have come to his rescue and are thus speeding up the work then envisaged.
Written 04 Mar 12 Revised 05 Mar 12 © by Gary Elliott