A Huthwaite miner, named Joseph Clay, living in Blackwell Road, claimed compensation at the Mansfield County Court on Monday in respect of an accident to his knee sustained 8 years ago, and a subsequent accident to a finger and double hernia. He was employed at the New Hucknall Colliery.
Dr. Tinsley LIndley (instructed by Mr. E.S.B. Hopkin) appeared for the applicant, who he said was a married man, and he had worked for the respondent company all his working life. While at work on August 13th, 1903, his toe slipped causing his leg to fall in front of the "lip," and he received an injury to his right knee. On reaching home he went to bed and was attended by Dr. Irvine. The next morning, on getting out of bed, he discovered a swelling in the left groin. He was off work for 74 days, until October 26th, 1903, when he returned to light work at the pit. After this, he went back to work in the stall, and after one month felt the effects of the rupture again.
In the course of time he noticed another swelling in 1918, but was able to continue at work. On September 30th, 1927, witness met with a second accident, the little finger of his right hand being crushed between two lumps of coal, and it became septic. When he resumed work, he was paid as a dayman, but received 6d. a day more than the ordinary rate of pay. He drew £1 a week as compensation while he was doing light work. At intervals his knee troubled him, as it constantly "came out" while walking and at work. When the compensation doctor (Dr. Gray) examined him, he told witness that he had double rupture. Witness told the doctor that "it was done here" (meaning the New Hucknall Colliery). Witness applied to the Huthwaite Urban District Council for work, but he was unable to wheel a barrow owing to the injury to his finger.
Replying to Mr. Shakespeare (instructed by Messrs. Elliot Smith and Co) for the respondents, witness said he had always worn a leather pit belt prior to wearing a truss. He denied that he had earned full wages for the past 28 years. He admitted there had been strikes during that time, but he did not then make any complaint to the respondents about his injuries, or ask for compensation.
Witness disagreed with a list of figures produced by Mr. Shakespeare, showing that for the six months, May to September, 1927, his wages averaged £2 6s. a week. He was qualified as a stallman, but while "in the market," he did not receive the full wages of a dayman.
Mr. Shakespeare: Do you say that you actually received less than a proper day's wage? - I had to be satisfied with what they paid. I was not the stallman, and did not handle the money.
The judge: I do not think he means that he was paid less than other daymen. If the stall was doing badly, the daymen perhaps got less.
"But there is the maximum wages," observed Mr. Shakespeare.
His Honour: You say his average earning for six months, beginning May, 1927, were £2 6s., and the witness puts it lower that that.
Mr. Shakespeare pointed out that the claim was originally for injury to the little finger only but it had been amended to a claim for the other fingers and the right hand generally, "What is the matter with the hand," he asked.
Witness replied by holding up his right hand, to demonstrate that he could not close the finger into his palm.
By Dr. Lindley: He did complain to the stallman and the deputy about not getting his proper wages as a dayman. He asked for the "make-up" of his wages, but did not get it. He also asked the manager (Mr. Stevens) about making up his wages, and he replied that it was not abnormal work. Witness told the manager that he tried his best to earn a full day's wage, but could not.
Jane L. Clay, wife of the applicant, gave evidence as to her husbands injuries.
Hy. Boot, Little Lane, Huthwaite, coal face contractor, said he worked in the same stall as applicant. He noticed he had trouble with his knee, and he had often seen him sit down and "put it in." He never said that the hernia which he had prevented him from working. He had to "pick" his work on the left-hand side, as he could not hold the pick properly with his right hand, a finger of which had been injured. He did not think the applicant would be able to do the full work of a dayman. He could not in the circumstances do his full share of the work as a competent man.
Mr. George Spencer, the chief official of the Notts. Miners' Industrial Union, gave evidence as to the applicant's wages.
Thomas Oldham, charge deputy at the pit, said Clay worked under his supervision. From what witness could see he was doing his work in a normal manner.
Replying to Dr. Lindley, witness said he did not notice Clay's hand was deformed. He had never received complaints about Clay not being able to carry out his full work.
Mr. Shakespeare argued that there was not a tittle of evidence to support the claim. Clay had not complained of his injuries, alleged to have been received in 1903, until August, 1931, and Dr. Hogarth had said, "I cannot say this accident of 1903 had anything to do with it. With regard to the knee injury, the same surgeon had said he could not find any objective sign of physical injury. Subsequent to the accident of 1927, applicant had worked as a stallman and earned his full rate of wages, and never complained about the injury to his hand. On April 13th, 1921, Clay applied for his old job, which was indicative of his own opinion of his capability.
His Honour said he could not find that Clay was entitled to an award. Since the first accident in 1903 he had been working and earning full wages and nothing could be found in the evidence to connect the hernia with the accident of 1903. There was some incapacity in connection with the knee and hand, but the most he could give was a declaration of liability and costs on Scale B in respect to these injuries.
A SALOON 'BUS will run to Skegness on Tuesday, August 2nd. Fare 7s. 6d. return. Depart Huthwaite 7.0 a.m., Portland Square 7.15 a.m. Book early to secure your seat and to avoid disappointment. For further particulars apply at the above address or 'phone 322 Sutton.-PRATT BROS.
SALOON CAR, 6-seater, BLACKPOOL, Weekly or Day Trips. SKEGNESS each Sunday. Car available for anywhere at any time. Moderate Terms. Wedding a Speciality. Apply.-
C. & H. TURNER, Extracts from the Committee minutes confirmed by Huthwaite Urban District Council at the monthly meeting are appended.
Gas, Lighting and Water Committee.- The Water Manager reported an increase of 138,000 gallons of water during the month compared with the corresponding period of last year.
Correspondence with the Derbyshire and Notts. Electric Power Co. with regard to the proposal for laying electric cables along certain routes in the area, together with their terms for electricity supply, was read, and it was resolved that the terms be approved and an agreement entered into provided that underground cables are laid.
Roads and Buildings Committee.- The Surveyor reported that the Chesterfield Road scheme was completed except for the necessary fencing and formation of footpath, and he was instructed to approach the Divisional Road Engineer for an extension of time for the completion of the latter work.
The Surveyor also reported upon the completion of the Blackwell Road housing scheme and that the necessary requirements to gardens and fencing were receiving his attention.
Consent was given the Superintendent Engineer of the General Post Office to lay an underground telegraph line to Market Street from Blackwell Road subject to the Department making good any damage.
The attention of the Committee was drawn to the condition of the Market Place, but any scheme for its improvement was deferred for the time being.
Cemetery, Pleasure Grounds and Allotments Committee.- The progress of the new Recreation Ground scheme was reported upon, and it was decided that a boundary fence between Skegby Road and Newcastle Street be erected, and that estimates be obtained for iron and board fencing. It was also decided that the Committee make an inspection of th site and take such steps as may be necessary in the scheme. The ground is to be known in future as Huthwaite Park.
Health and Hospital Committee.- The Medical Officer of Health reported that four deaths, equivalent to an annual mortality of 9.3 per 1,000, had been notified during the month. The mortality of the proceeding month was 4.6. Eight births were registered during the month.
Finance and General Purposes Committee.- A request was submitted from Mr. A. Melling for assistance in connection with an accident sustained by his daughter during play in Huthwaite Park, and the Clerk was instructed to express the Council's regret at their inability to deal with the matter.
On Saturday New Hucknall Colliery and New Hucknall Welfare meet in the final of the Notts. and Derbyshire Alliance Tennis Cup. The struggle takes place on the Pinxton Courts, and on paper the Welfare have a good chance.
Miss Evelyn Connah has been successful in passing the second part of the Notts. County Council Junior Scholarship Examination, and proceeds to the new secondary school in Sutton in the autumn. There is keen competition for these scholarships, which are of a high monetary value. She is a scholar in the New Street Council School.
On Tuesday a lady lecturer connected with the R.S.P.C.A. (Mrs. Forbes) visited the day schools and spoke to the majority of the scholars. She pointed out that boys and girls could do a geat deal to help the society, and her remarks were heard with great interest. The lecturer was thanked by the head teachers for her address.
The New Hucknall Colliery Tennis Club ladies played their return match with Mansfield Bridge Street Wesleyans at Huthwaite on Wednesday evening. The weather was ideal for tennis, and the result was a 7-2 win for the home team. Mr. T. Maddock (chairman of the Tennis Executive) will present the Knock-out Cup to the captain of the winning team at Pinxton to-morrow.
At the Wesleyan Sunday School an address to the combined classes was given on Sunday afternoon by Sister Beatrice Cowle, of the National Children's Home and Orphanage. She gave a very interesting talk on the history, aims and objects of this useful institution, and at the close it was decided to form a branch of the Young Leaguers' Union. The chairman of the gathering was Mr. H. Highfield (superintendent).
"The Blue Danube" at the Lyric Theatre this week-end hits a special appeal by reason of the captivating music which is played, and which includes the world famous waltz of that name. "Sally on the Subway" is also shown. It has strong dramatic features as well as a definite humorous element. The Theatre is closed for the whole of next week, but an attractive holiday program will be provided the following week.
On Sunday afternoon a splendid rendering of the cantata "The King of Glory" was given in the Primitive Methodists.
Owing to the semi-final of the Notts. and Derbyshire Collieries' Alliance Cup being played on Saturday the 1st XI. match with Hardwick, away, has had to be postponed.
2nd. v. Huthwaite C.W.S., home.- J. Shaw (Capt.), W. Slack, F. Dobb, N. Bradford, F. Adlington, N. Thompson, L. Lindley, P. Bostock, W. Hunt, S. Worthington, A. Thompson, Res., L. Tyler, T. Clarke.
Written 28 Feb 12 Revised 28 Feb 12 © by Gary Elliott