Huthwaite Councillors resumed their monthly meetings on Tuesday after a month's holiday and several interesting matters were discussed. Councillor J. Davies presided over the following members:- Councillors T. Goodall, E.H. Lowe, H.A. Simpson, J. Potter, J. Iball, S. Allcock, A. Wilson, M. Betts, J. Peters, F.C. Sowter, W. Clarke, D.D. Bonser, and W.E. Hancock.
When the Gas, Lighting and Water Committee minutes were before the Council, the Clerk, in answer to Mr. Betts, said the total amount paid to Sutton for gas during the last five years was £10,036 13s. 8d. ...
On the presentation of the Cemetery, Pleasure Grounds and Allotments Committee minutes, Mr. Iball referred to the fact that someone had been taking putty out of the windows on the Recreation Ground and putting tacks in the mountain glides. He thought something ought to be done in the matter.
Mr. Sowter: I think more or less every Councillor is aware of the damage done on the Recreation Ground, but we are rather tied down because rules have not yet been adopted by the Ministry. When these have been adopted we shall be able to take action.
The Chairman: It is possible for the Council to take action at any time without rules being adopted. If we find the culprit even now we shall take proceedings.
Mr. Sowter: Then why have we been so dilatory in the past? We have been told we are unable to do anything until we get a set of bye-laws passed.
The Clerk said any health authority could take action against anyone causing damage to public property.
Mr. Sowter: The police have been notified and they say they cannot take action until we have got a set of rules governing the Recreation Ground. I should like to know exactly where we stand?
The Chairman said rules had already been drawn up and a copy was to be sent to the Ministry, and as soon as these had been approved the Council would be able to take action against offenders.
Referring to the Health and Sanitary Committee minutes, the Chairman said a pleasing feature about these was the fact that Huthwaite had been entirely free from infectious disease during the summer. Probably it was due to the new Government and the Recreation Ground. (Laughter).
The question of rate arrears was raised by Mr. Betts when the Finance and General Purposes Committee minutes were under discussion, and he was of the opinion that this was a matter for the whole of the Council.
Mr. Lowe said it was impossible for all the Councillors to see the books at once, and he moved that the matter be left to the Sub-Committee specially appointed to deal with rate arrears.
The Chairman said there had been a special meeting in connection with rate arrears and the Council had already taken action in some cases, and only old arrears now remained to be considered. Mr. Clarke seconded Mr. Lowe's proposition.
Mr. Betts moved an amendment that the whole Council go into the business as this would be more satisfactory. There was no seconder to Mr. Betts' amendment and it was eventually agreed that the matter be left to the Sub-Committee.
Referring to a minute relating to a recent stack fire at Huthwaite, the Chairman said the Council wished it to be more widely known that about two years ago a resolution was placed on the books to the effect that the Council would not be responsible for anything in the event of fire unless the Sutton Fire Brigade was called by an official of the Council, a Councilor or the police. In the case in question no responsible official had called the Brigade, therefore the Council were not responsible for any payment. Hose was available for use in case of stack fires at the discretion or by permission of Foreman Wright.
The Clerk read a letter from the Ministry of Transport asking the Council to nominate a person for the panel form which Commissioners would be chosen.
Several members were of the opinion that it was not much use nominating anyone as the appointments were already cut and dried.
Mr. Clarke: I thing we should be doing a very wise thing to nominate someone. We have been treated very badly round here by the Traffic Commissioners - we shall have to pay 2d. to Sutton - and we might get this remedied if we can get someone on. Nothing venture nothing gain.
It was unanimously agreed that Mr. Lowe be nominated for the panel.
In reply to Mr. Betts, the Clerk said the expenditure of the two delegates to the annual conference of Urban District Councils at Skegness was £5 10s. each.
Mr. Betts: And that was spent?
The Clerk: It cost the delegates more, but that was all they were allowed.
Mr. Betts contended that in view of the big rates the Council could have managed without that expenditure. They would have been as well off if the delegates had never gone.
Mr. Sowter said it was absurd of Mr. Betts to say the Council did not benefit from the conference. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Mr. Lowe said he was very sorry to read in the Press that it was through Huthwaite Council certain Huthwaite shopkeepers had been prosecuted. He did not think the Council had anything to do in the matter.
The Clerk said a discussion took place in Council some time ago with regard to breaches of the Shops Act by certain shopkeepers, and he was asked to draw the attention to the Inspector to the matter.
Mr. Lowe: Was it recorded in the minutes that you should write to the inspector? The Clerk : Yes.
Mr. Lowe: Well, please do not associate me with it.
Mr. Hancock said certain shop keepers complained about others keeping open after closing time, and it was agreed to call the attention of the Inspector to the matter to be fair to all round.
Mr. Lowe: I did not like to see it in the Press that Huthwaite Council was responsible. I am very sorry it got into the Press.
Several Councillors said they remembered the matter being raised in Council.
Mr. Betts: Is it possible to remedy it!
Mr. Sowter: In the letter to the Inspector was he asked to take action?
The Clerk said he did not remember the wording of the letter, but he would produce it at the next meeting.
On the proposition of Mr. Bonser, the Clerk was instructed to write to the County Surveyor with regard to the condition of the approaches to the houses on Blackwell Road.
The Clerk reported he had ascertained from neighbouring authorities the condition on which playing pieces were let to football clubs, and in no instance was exclusive right given to a club. Kirkby and Hucknall charged clubs 2s. 6d. per match, but the public were not excluded at other times. Sutton provided football grounds and goalposts and allowed clubs to play matches when required without charge, but did not recognise the exclusive right of any club to any playing area. Mansfield Woodhouse charged one club £2 per year, by the club had no exclusive right.
Mr. Betts: I think if we have not sufficient land we might buy a bit more in order to cater for the public. He asked how far the Surveyor was looking after the children and how much of the 25 acres had been taken up by playing pieces, etc.?
The Surveyor said the football pitches would be available for children and for such matches. No one was allowed exclusive use of these pitches.
The Chairman said approximately 12 acres had been allocated to football, cricket and hockey apart from the children's playing corner. He thought it was unnecessary to buy more ground as they had plenty to cater for the whole of the Huthwaite public.
Mr. Betts: If there is not I should like to suggest to the Council that they buy more.
Mr. Bonsor supported Mr. Betts.
Mr. Sowter said 12 or 14 years ago there was no public recreation ground in Huthwaite, only a field close to the Library where children were allowed to play through the generosity of Mr. Watson. Since then Huthwaite had been developed considerably and they had now 25 acres of playing fields and catered for all kind of sport, and for the life of him he did not see why it should be suggested more land should be bought. He thought they had adequate land at their disposal.
Mr. Betts: I am only asking the Committee to consider it if necessary.
The Chairman said their chief business was to fix charges for playing pieces etc., and arrange a policy in accordance with other Councils.
Mr. Simpson said that would be a difficult problem to tackle for a time. He favoured a system whereby clubs would be responsible for the condition of things otherwise all would be chaos and they would not know where they were.
The Chairman said the roping off of one playing piece by a certain club in Huthwaite did not indicate anything. It was done to hold the public back whilst playing a match, but any other team could play on the pitch at other times.
Mr. Simpson said he agreed that other teams should have us of the pitch after the club's two hours' were up, but he did not favour youths playing at shooting in on the pitch.
At this stage the Council went into Committee for further discussion, on the proposition of Mr. Lowe.
The return friendly bowls match between New Hucknall Welfare and Sutton Conservative Club, played on the Welfare green, resulted in a win for the homesters by 92 to 75.
The New Hucknall Welfare Tennis Club have won three cups this season, and have a chance of winning another. A victory over Annesley gave them the the championship of Section 'A' of the Notts. and Derbyshire Collieries' Alliance. They were already champions of the 'B' Section, the winners of the Knock-out Cup, and if they win the men's doubles competition it will be a record to be proud of, and may possibly stimulate one or two other local sporting combinations to win cups as well.
The Parish Church sidesmen held a whist drive on Wednesday evening on behalf of the Church funds in the Common Road Schools. The M.C. was Mr. A. Heathcote, and the prizes were presented to the following by Mrs. Grierson:- Mrs. Brunt, half tea service; Mrs. Peters, shopping basket; Mr. L. Bailey, hall set; Mr. W. Rockley, alarm clock. Refreshments were provided by Mesdames Grierson, Beard, Gunby, Gascoigne and Beresford.
Over 200 members of the Welbeck, New Hucknall, Bentinck and Annesley Colliery Divisions of the New Hucknall Collieries Co.'s Corps of the St. John Ambulance Brigade paraded at Warsop on Sunday, when their annual inspection took place.
The parade was under the command of Corps Officer Moulton, and the inspecting officer was Commissioner A.B. Gibson, of Nottingham, who also took the salute when the men marched pst headed by the Welbeck Colliery Bugle Band.
Mr. Gibson complimented all the divisions on their efficiency and smart appearance and expressed his pleasure on the growth of ambulance work in Notts., particularly amongst miners. He mentioned that during last year first-aid was rendered by ambulance men in no fewer than 14,000 cases in the county.
On Sunday harvest festival services were held at the United Methodist Church, which had been decorated by the young lady members with a profusion of flowers and vegetables, the gifts of the church members. A collection outside church for help in money or kind had been carried out with good results. Apart from horticultural produce, the scheme of decoration in the church included cakes, tea, sugar, lemon curd, and tins of fruit, a proof that people who could not give in one way had assisted in another, the general result being very gratifying. Some very fine chrysanthemums were given and some potatoes of excellent size and quality, while an anonymous friend sent a bunch of grapes. The preacher was Mr. F.J. Berry (Kirkby), and in the afternoon he addressed the little ones on the subject of life reasserting itself. The children sang a chorus which emphasised the speaker's remarks,... Two anthems were rendered by the choir, the soprano solo in the former being sung by Miss Lucy Farmer, while Mr. Robert Purseglove took the tenor solo in the second. In the evening the preacher's subject was "Redeeming the past," ...
The famous film "King of Jazz" will be seen at the Lyric Theatre during the first half of next week. It is a stupendous production, .... This will be its second appearance at the Lyric, due to the urgent request of numerous patrons. ... On Thursday, "The Yellow Passport" is a story of Russia before the war. It deals with ... During the week-end many laughable incidents are portrayed in "Hobson's Choice," a real human story.
On Saturday and Sunday the annual exhibition arranged by the Huthwaite Horticultural Society was held at the headquarters, the Shoulder of Mutton Hotel. There were eight classes which attracted a total entry of nearly 160, both vegetables and flowers being of outstanding quality.
Onions and celery were conspicuous for all-round excellency, there being 23 entries of celery. There wer nearly 40 entries of pom dahlias, and the asters were a fine feature, whilst collarette dahlias came in for general admiration, twenty blooms providing a beautiful and varied display.
The secretarial duties were carried out by Mr. C. Butterworth, and Mr. E. Thurman was president of the organising committee. There were large numbers of visitors to the exhibition. The winners were as follows:-
Onions: 1, C. Searston, Alfreton, 5lb 13oz.; 2, E. Bramley, Kirkby, 5lb. 12oz.; 3, C. Searston, 5lb. 12oz.
Celery (one stick): 1, C. Keeling, Huthwaite, 3lb. 4oz.; 2, W. Barfoot, Huthwaite, 3lb. 4oz.; 3, J. Redford, 3lb. 1oz.
Pom Dahlias: 1, E. Reeves, Sutton; 2, E. Truswell, Tibshelf; 3, G. Heath, Sutton.
Potatoes, any variety: 1, C. Dove, Sutton; 2, J. Truswell, Tibshelf; 3, T. James, Ilkeston.
Peas: 1, C. Searston; 2, C. Searston; 3, Duke Atkin, Sutton.
Gent.'s Buttonhole: 1, E. Reeves; 2, W. Hickenbottom, Huthwaite; 3, G. Marshall, Huthwaite.
Asters: 1, S. Ball, Sutton; 2, S. Ball; 3, E. Reeves.
Collarette Dahlias: 1, H. Marshall, Huthwaite; 2, H. Marshall, Huthwaite; 3, G.H. Wood, Huthwaite.
Written 02 Mar 12 Revised 02 Mar 12 © by Gary Elliott