Archived Extracts

the nottinghamshire FREE PRESS

a weeks news dated - March 11th 1932


The new public telephone has been installed some little time, and can certainly claim to be in a prominent position. It seems to convey a better idea of utility and progress through being placed quite close to the Free Library, or perhaps it is the Library being near to the telephone kiosk. Anyway, the convenience of a public phone out of doors cannot be disputed.

Mr. Walter Parkin, of Sherwood Street, has passed into the second round of the Notts. County Amateur Billiards Cup Competition. He played his match at Nottingham recently, and won fairly easily by 400 to 336, his opponent being Mr. A. Butler (Hucknall). The draws for the second round have not at the moment of writing been made, but all wish Mr. Parkin success. For a long period he has carried out the duties of secretary to the Notts. and Derbyshire Collieries' Alliance (Billiards, Whist and Cribbage Section) and is a cueist of much more than ordinary ability.

In aid of the funds of the Gospel Mission Church, a hot supper and concert were given on Thursday. The church members gave the sausage and vegetables which formed the meal, the edibles being prepared by Mrs. Hardy, who also waited at table, with the assistance of Mrs. Brookes and Miss Mabel Allsop. Mr. P. Hardy presided at the concert, a varied programme being rendered. Humorous songs were contributed by Mr. T. Wright (Stanton Hill), Mr. Gruby, Mr. Clamp, and the Chairman, and all were well received. Miss M. Gunby and Miss Elsie Hardy sang solos, Miss Dorothy Hardy and Florence Berresford gave a duet, and recitations were rendered by Miss Edna Haywood (Pilsley) and Mr. Wright. Mr. G. Goodwin was the accompanist, and he also played a selection on the organ. Mr. Gruby proposed a vote of thanks to the members for their gifts, and this was seconded by the chairman, the gathering having been a most successful time.

Visitors to Huthwaite this week have been Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hill, who have made their home in Leicester. Mr. and Mrs. Hill, who lived formerly in Station Road, were a very well-known and popular couple, active in social, sports and musical circles. They have been for a long time consistent players with the New Hucknall Colliery Tennis "A" teams; and have helped the club to win distinctions. They will be badly missed during the coming season. Mrs. Hill has had a long and useful connection with the United Methodist Church, where her husband has been rendered good service as a member of the choir, having been a bass soloist with a more than local reputation. Mr. and Mrs. Hill have always been an acquisition at social gatherings, and their departure leaves a gap in many ways, but they are not too far away to visit their old friends occasionally. Mr. Hill has been employed at Leicester for several months, and having obtained a residence, he moved his home there a few weeks ago. A host of friends will wish them all good luck and prosperity, in their new sphere.

Huthwaite Council and Rates of Pay.


  Councillor J. Davies presided at the monthly meeting of the Huthwaite Urban District Council held on Tuesday evening, when the other members present were:- Councillors T. Goodall, E.H. Lowe, H.A. Simpson, J. Potter, J. Iball, S. Allcock, A. Wilson, M. Betts, J. Peters, F.C. Sowter, J.G. Wright, D.D. Bonser and W.E. Hancock.
  The Chairman reported on a meeting of the Boundaries Committee which he had attended that day at Nottingham, and the report was considered in Committee.
  When the Gas and Water Committee minutes were under consideration, Mr. Betts, referring to the increase in gas charges, said he thought they ought to let consumers know that there would be some returns.

Street Lighting.

  The Chairman: After this quarter end.
  Mr. Betts: How often do we empty the slots?
  The Chairman: Every quarter.
  Mr. Potter: I have had one or two complaints with regard to the new rule. One man says he has put 2s. 4d. in his meter for 200 feet.
  The Chairman: The Surveyor says if the meter registers too little for the amount put in, money will have to be refunded until the meter can be made to register properly.
  Referring to a minute relating to the lighting of Chesterfield Road, Carnarvon Road, Common Road and Springwell Street, Mr. Hancock was of the opinion that gas pipes ought to be laid. Six of the houses had gas and electricity and they all used gas.
  The Chairman: Until we get an answer from the Electric Power Company it will be very foolish to lay gas. If we get a satisfactory answer from the Company we shall put in gas, in addition to electricity. It will be a heavy expenditure to put gas up there if only a small quantity is to be used, but if more is to be used it will be better.
  Mr. Hancock moved that gas be laid to houses.
  Mr. Sowter said they did not wish to oppose Mr. Hancock so far as the laying of gas was concerned, but the electricity scheme dealt with several parts and the speaker thought it was a desire that the scheme go forward.
  Mr. Hancock: It is not a scheme that is meeting with the requirements of the working classes.
  There was no seconder to Mr. Hancock's motion, and the minutes were approved.
  When the Roads and Buildings Committee minutes were brought before the Council, Mr. Bonser said he thought it was time a decent fence was erected near the Miners' Arms. There were only some pieces of barbed wire on old posts and bits of hedge and people kept catching their clothing on them.

Housing Problems.

  Mr. Wilson: I think it is a very dangerous place at night time.
  Mr. Bonser: I move that a post and rail fence be erected there.
  The Chairman: Is it Council property?
  Mr. Bonser: The Council can see that it is done.
  Mr. Sowter said he thought it was a County Council matter, and he moved that the Clerk write the County Council with regard to the question. This was agreed.
  Referring to the valuation of certain land for proposed building sites, Mr. Sowter said he would like a special meeting called to consider the valuer's report and to consider the question of building further houses. One of the reasons the population was decreasing was because they had failed to develop as an Urban District Authority should. he knew of young men and young women who were having to sleep in the same room and he thought it was time the Council discussed these things.
  Mr. Betts seconded that a special meeting should be held, and the Council agreed.
  The presentation of the Finance and General Purposes Committee minutes caused Mr. Betts to ask about the rate.
  The Chairman: It will not be got out until the next meeting.
  objecting to the wages fixed by the Council for the men employed on the Chesterfield Road extensions scheme, Mr. Sowter contended that the scheme was subject to the rate of wages governing road schemes and applying in the district. There was a difference between a road scheme and the Brickyard scheme, and he thought it was an injustice to the men on the road scheme to reduce their pay to 7s. 6d. per day seeing that they had been paid 1s. 1d. per hour in the past. He moved that the men be paid 1s. 0.5d. per hour which was the rate operative in the district. Mr. Bonser seconded.

Uniform Scale.

  The Chairman pointed out that the scheme was only an extension of the original scheme, and as there were other schemes now operative in the parish the Committee felt that to make any differentiation in the rates of pay of the men employed on the schemes would only cause conflict. Therefore it was decided to make the scale uniform, 7s. 6d. per day.
  Mr. Sowter: of the various Council schemes none is governed like the road scheme. This comes directly under the Road Ministry.
  The Chairman: The scheme is not under the Unemployment Grant Committee, and therefore the Council have the option of employing men without going to the Labour Exchange if necessary. It was only that the Council wished to act fairly that they put the employment of men on the scheme in the hands of the Employment Exchange. When first the Council employed men there was no such badgering that they put the matter in the hands of the Exchange. The scheme received no grant from the Unemployment Grants Committee but only a grant from the Road Fund, which was quite a different thing to what Mr. Sowter was trying to suggest.
  Mr. Sowter: You have not power to set on who you like; these schemes are submitted to the Labour Exchange. I happen to be a member of that authority and I know the old scheme was in the hands of the Employment Exchange officials and this one is.
  The Chairman asked the Surveyor if the Council did not employ men on the chesterfield Road scheme.
  The Surveyor: We did at first but later were advised to employ them through the Employment Exchange.
  At this stage a vote was taken, four members being in favour of the amendment that the men on the road scheme be paid 1s. 0.5d. per hour and 10 in favour of the minutes as the stood.

"To Test the Meeting."

  Mr. Clarke said he did not think the foreman on the Brickyard scheme had been notified with regard to putting in extra time for men working in water until that day.
  The Chairman: It was not retrospective, but only for future work. The men who had been working in water to-day will get extra rate of pay.
  When the Free Library Committee minutes wer submitted for confirmation, Mr. Lowe said just to test the meeting he would move that the paper "Russia To-day" be not purchased. He did so just to face whether it was a catch vote that got the resolution passed. Mr. Wilson seconded.
  The Chairman said it had been approved in Committee that the Council add two further weekly papers to the Library "John Bull" and "Russia To-day." ...
  On a vote being taken five voted for the amendment and the rest were in favour of the minutes.
  Mr. Simpson: I think the more they know about Russia the better for all of us.
  Mr. Sowter asked if it would be possible for the Council to provide paper bags for the distribution of seeds, supplied by the Society of Friends, to the unemployed. The Council provided the bags in connection with the Government scheme last year.
  The Chairman: The objects are the same only the seeds are coming through a different source. Mr. Betts moved that the Council provide the bags.
  The Chairman: How do we stand in the matter, Mr. Clerk? I understand the scheme is chiefly to replace the Government scheme. The Clerk said he did not see any objection to the suggestion in law. The only thing was that the other scheme was initiated by the Government and local authorities were asked to help.
  it was stated that only about 10s. was spent last year on bags, and it was decided that the Council again provide bags to the same amount.


MUSICAL SUCCESS AND DISTINCTION. - London College, recent sitting, Joseph Stocks, Kirkby Road, gained Honours and also the Medal, Intermediate Section Pianoforte Playing. Pupil of H. Wood, L.L.C.M., Sutton Road, Huthwaite. - Advt.

Attention is drawn to the excellent talkie films on view at the Lyric Theatre next week "Inside the Lines," as its title suggests, has a military flavour and is a stirring story of a spy. "Mother's Millions" showing at the end of the week is full of humour, but has its tense moments as well. There are well-known stars in each picture, and each provides a capital entertainment.

The death of Mrs. Mary Carr, of 3, Sutton Road, recalls the tragic end of her husband about 17 years ago. Mr. Carr and a companion, it will be remembered, were sinking a well, and he lost his life in resuing the other man, who had been overcome by gas. Mrs. Carr never really recovered from the shock of her husband's death. For the last ten months she had been confined to the house, and she died in Nottingham Hospital. She was buried in her husband's grave, the Rev. W.L. Boulton conducting the last rites. She was 51 years of age. The mourners were :- Mr. and Mrs. V. Marriott, son-in-law and daughter; Mr. and Mrs. J. Woodfield, father and mother; Mr. and Mrs. J. Woodfield, brother and sister-in-law; Mr. and Mrs. E. Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. J. Oscroft, Sutton, Mrs. j. Edwards, Nottingham, brothers-in-law and sisters; Mr. F. Woodfield, Mr. and Mrs. R. Coles, St. Annes-on-Sea, brothers and sisters-in-law; Mrs. Carr, mother-in-law; Mrs. P. Carr, Mrs. T. Carr, Underwood, sister-in-law; Mr. Carr, Doncaster, brother-in-law; Mrs. H. Jackson, Bulwell, aunt; Mrs. H. May, Selston, cousin; Mr. L. Woodfield and Mrs. J. Woodfield, Selston, nephew and niece. The bearers were Messrs. L. Marriott, W. Marriott, A. Marriott, C. Sterland, M. Elliott and Whitworth. Besides the family wreaths there were tributes from Mr. and Mrs. Oliver and Family; Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Tomlinson; Mr. and Mrs. Ellis and Ken; Mrs. Gardener and Evelyn (Selston); Emma (selston); and John, Leslie, Annie and Baby Doris (Selston); Mr. and Mrs. Crofts (Sutton).


The unemployment figures issued by the Sutton Employment Exchange for February show a decrease compared with January's figure of 48 in the wholly unemployed, and 730 in the short-time workers. Details:-

Males.    Wholly   Short    
Unemployed Time Total
Sutton 1221 2509 3730
East Kirkby 385 1143 1528
Tibshelf 137 298 535
Stanton Hill 176 635 811
South Normanton 179 706 885
Selston 397 728 1125
Sutton 227 272 549
East Kirkby 81 80 170
Total 2653 6450 9533

Anniversary Services


  The anniversary of the Wesleyan Church in Huthwaite was held on Sunday and Monday. It is interesting to recall in connection with the anniversary that the first Wesleyan Sunday School was built in the year 1807, and that the original Church in the Market Place was founded in 1815 by Mr. E. Boot, and a few other enthusiastic workers. The preacher for Sunday was the Rev. D.L. Evans, of Manchester, the elder son of Wesleyan parents, the late Mr. D.C. Evans and Mrs. Evans of Columbia Street, Huthwaite.
  Mr. Evans has rarely been heard in the church of his early life since his entry into the Wesleyan ministry, apart from four occasions during the last ten years. Immediately after his ordination, conducted at the Bridge Street Church, Mansfield, by the late Rev. C.W. Andrews, he offered and was accepted for service in the foreign field. For a number of years he was stationed at Trinidad, West Indies, and on his return the rev. gentleman worked amongst the dockers at Pembroke, but owing to the closing of the docks he has devoted his abilities to a large slum area of the city of Manchester.
  Mr. Evans's visit was eagerly anticipated by the members of the church, and friends of other churches in Huthwaite, also by a large number of visitors from the Mansfield circuit for whom he had rendered service in his lay preaching period. Large congregations assembled as all the services.

Emancipation of Man.

  The text at the evening service was a section of the Lords prayer - and with boldness and conviction the rev. gentleman said that he was not responsible for his birth, but because he was in the world, that world owed to him a livelihood, and he in return owed to the world a life. But his life was not to be based on rights, but rather upon his duties towards a world that had given him this livelihood. This Christian England refused to take Jesus Christ seriously, but the great work of the Christian Church was the emancipation of man from sin and injustice. ....

Portland Motor


  On Wednesday evening the annual exhibition of handwork by the students of the Huthwaite Evening Institute was held in the New Street Council Schools. There was a remarkably good attendance, and Mr. H.A. Simpson (organiser and headmaster) presided. The gathering included Miss Byatt (organiser of Domestic Science) and Miss Johnson (organiser of needlework), both of Nottingham and both spoke admiringly of the high degree of efficiency to which those useful branches of knowledge had been brought. There was also present Councillor J. Davies, J.P., C.C. (School Manager), Mr. J. Herbert, of Annesley, a former assistant master and Mrs. Herbert, and Mr. Maddock, Kirkby.

Excellent Work.

The exhibition aroused the greatest interest. The cookery class students, under Mrs. W. Hill, displayed their art in a varied array of delicacies, both sweets and savouries, while the needlework and dressmaking classes (Mrs. L. Hill) had a splendid collection of dresses and embroideries and fancy goods. The "Thrift Stall" was an interesting object lesson in making old and discarded articles into something new and useful, a valuable practice in times like the present. There was also a number of articles beautifully made by the members of the leather work class. The attractive designs and the decorative merit of these goods were noteworthy. All these things went to prove the Institute a flourishing and well-appreciated organisation.
  The visitors were also entertained in other ways. A choir of day-school children, conducted by Mr. Green and accompanied by Mr. Buckland, gave several choruses in capital style. Miss Taylor has trained a number of girls for a series of country dances, which were well executed and were very popular with the onlookers. Altogether the evening was a very successful one, and reflected great credit on the staffs of both the day and the evening schools. ...



The present Division II. runners-up, Huthwaite United entertained their lowly-placed Stanton Hill neighbours on Saturday, when the home team had the game well in hand throughout and ran out comfortable victors by six goals to one. Fine weather favoured the teams, and a good crowd assembled. ...


A match between Rufford Colliery Reserve and Huthwaite C.W.S., played at Rufford in delightful weather on Saturday, resulted in a convincing victory for the home team by eight goals.... Teams:-
Huthwaite C.W.S. - England; Saxton and Fullwood; Walters, Hassall and Oliver; Fox, Booth, Briggs, Wass and Brunt.

Written 22 Feb 12 Revised 22 Feb 12 © by Gary Elliott