Archived Extracts

the nottinghamshire FREE PRESS

a weeks news dated - May 13th 1932


  A meeting of the Sutton and Huthwaite Branch , Ilkeston Hosiery Union, was held in the Baptist Lecture Hall on Saturday, Mr. A. Hickton. (Vice-President, Ilkeston District) presiding.
  Mr. J.T. Brewin outlined the developments at Mansfield, and mentioned the efforts of Mr. Ryder (Government Conciliation Officer), Mr. H. Moulden (Secretary Hosiery Federation) and himself (Mr. Brewin) in the negotiations prior to the actual cleavage.
  At the conclusion of Mr. Brewin's speech Mr. R. Naylor proposed the following resolution : "That this meeting congratulates the Quortex workers on their splendid stand to defend the wages of the hosiery workers, and assures them of every assistance in their fight."
  Mr. W. Pickard seconded.
  In an able speech Mr. W. Denby proposed the following resolution : "That this meeting of Sutton and Huthwaite Hosiery Workers emphatically protests against the suspension of the 50 per cent. Import Duty levied on silk hose."
  This suspension, said Mr. Denby, would mean unemployment for hundreds of highly skilled workers, and bankruptcy for many manufacturers, especially the smaller manufacturers. Mr. Harold Gascoigne seconded.
  It was proposed and seconded that the best thanks of the meeting be given to Mr. C. Brown (Member of Mansfield) and that he be congratulated on his capable, lucid exposition of the situation arising in the silk industry.
  Mr. Brewin said he had no qualms about Sutton and Huthwaite responding to the assistance of the Mansfield workers. Previous levies had proved how well Sutton and Huthwaite acknowledges their obligations.
  Mr. E. Hickling suggested that any levy imposed should be compulsory and applied to every section throughout the union.

Proposed Scheme for 72 on Chesterfield Road.

  To the many people in Huthwaite who are desirous of obtaining Council houses it will be pleasing news to learn that the Council have a scheme in hand whereby it is proposed to build 72 houses on Chesterfield Road, 40 of which are to be erected as soon as the sanction of the Minister of Health is obtained.
  This matter was amongst others discussed by the Council at the monthly meeting on Tuesday evening, when Councillor J. Davies presided over Councillors T. Goodall, E. H. Lowe, H. A. Simpson, J. Potter, J. Iball, S. Allcock, A. Wilson, M. Betts, F. C. Sowter, J. Peters, W. E. Hancock, D. D. Bonser and W. Clarke.

Matter of Accountancy.

  Referring to a minute of the Finance and General Purposes Committee, the Chairman moved that the transfer from the district fund account to the gas account be made immediately without waiting for the loans in the course of negotiations to be paid to the Treasurer. Mr. Betts seconded.
  Mr. Lowe thought it would be better to leave the transfer until the accounts had been reviewed.
  It was pointed out that the transfer would not affect the bank total and that it was purely a matter of accountancy.
  Mr. Sowter: We are going to subsidise the gas undertaking to the tune of £1,000 so that no-consumers are going to pay the same as consumers. In view of this if there is a profit on the gas in the near future non-consumers should receive some benefit. The Chairman's amendment to the minute was carried.
  When the Free Library Committee minutes were under consideration, Mr. Clarke asked who would be responsible for the payment of the caretaker when engaged beyond his stipulated working hours in connection with the letting of the Lecture Hall and Rooms.
  The Chairman said the caretaker would be paid at the rate of 1s. per hour for such extra work, and the Council would be responsible for making the charge to those using the Hall and paying the caretaker.

Insurance of Council Houses.

  The question of the insurance of Council houses was discussed, the Chairman remarking that the primary point was whether the houses should be insured to the extent of £20,840.
  Mr. Lowe asked how many houses there were, and it was stated that the proposed 12 new houses brought the total to 64. The insurance was based on the sum of £400 per house.
  It was generally thought that an insurance of £20,000 should cover all 64 houses, and it was resolved that the Clerk go into the matter with the insurance company concerned and report at the next meeting.
  The Clerk read a letter from the Sutton and District King's Roll Committee giving particulars of the aims of the Committee, and offering to send a representative to interview the Council if they were interested and contemplated joining the Committee.
  Mr. Sowter said the Council were already carrying out the Committee's principle of employing ex-servicemen.
  The Chairman said if the Council joined the scheme they would have to agree to employ a certain percentage of ex-servicemen. Mr. Sowter moved, and Mr. Wilson seconded that the Council did not entertain the idea of joining the scheme.
  Mr. Lowe: There is no harm in us being put on the Roll, it costs nothing. He moved that the Council be put on the King's Roll. Mr. Clarke seconded and on a vote being taken it was agreed that the Council join the scheme.

Carrying Out the Principle.

  Mr. Sowter: Will the Clerk send a letter to the Committee informing them that we are carrying out the principle? The Clerk: Oh, certainly!
  When the question of the proposed erection of more Council houses on Chesterfield Road was under discussion, it was stated that the scheme provided for 72 houses but it was not proposed to build all these at once.
  The Chairman said the Council were not purchasing any land until the Minister of Health's sanction to the erection of the houses was obtained.
  Mr. Sowter: We don't want to be building in winter if we can get up the houses during the summer. I move that a special meeting be called as soon as the Clerk gets to hear from the Minister.
  The Clerk said he intended calling a meeting as soon as he had any information for the Council. It was agree that the Minister be asked to sanction the building of 40 houses first.
  Mr. Clarke said it had been passed that repairs to Blackwell Road houses be carried out, but tenants were still complaining. "These ought to be seen immediately," remarked Mr. Clarke. "If we cannot look after our own property nobody else will." The Architect was instructed to deal with the complaint.


  Played at Bentinck on Saturday. Scores: Mr. S. Spencer and Miss Palfreyman (N.H.W.) beat Mr. G. Briggs and Miss E. Linby; beat mr. A. Reddish and Miss Larwood; Mr. A. Reddish and Miss Larwood; lost to Mr. G. Wallace and Mrs. Reddish.
Mr. J. Wood and Miss E. Colley (N.H.W.) beat Briggs and Miss Linby; beath Reddish and Miss Larwood; lost to Wallace and Mrs. Reddish.
Mr. Clarke and Mrs. J. Wood (N.H.W.) beat Briggs and Miss Linby; beat Reddish and Miss Larwood; beat Wallace and Mrs. Reddish.
  Result: New Hucknall Welfare 'B,' 7 rubbers, 15 sets, 116 games; Bentinck, 2 rubbers, 6 sets, 74 games.


  To meet Bentinck Colliery away to-morrow and the entertain Pinxton Colliery at home on Monday, New Hucknall Colliery's team will be :- A.P. Bacon (captain), F. Dobb, G. Dobb, J. Shaw, F. Adlington, H. Iball, A. Gibson, S. Worthington, A. Spencer, H. Sanderson and W. Slack. Reserves, D. Ellis and A.H. Smith.
  On Tuesday New Hucknall Colliery Reserve will entertain East Kirkby Kingsway with the following team :- E. Vardy (captain), D. Ellis, N. Bradford, F. Adlington, T. Clarke, N. Thompson, T. Geal, A. Thompson, T. Gascoigne, H. Vardy and S. Firth. Reserves A. Gibson and G. Reeves.


  New Hucknall Welfare 'B' v. Alfreton Colliery. Played at Huthwaite, on Saturday. Scores:-
  New Hucknall Welfare.- S. Scothern, J. Peters, B. Goodwin, 21; S. Marshall, E. Mansell, S. Bowmar, 31; C. Nunn, W. Boot, H. Rudkin, 31; H. Wilson, C. Cooper, H. Mouseley, 31; total, 114. ...


  Huthwaite U.D.C. v. Sutton Welcome Institute. Played at Huthwaite, on Wednesday. Scores :-
  Huthwaite U.D.C.- E. Coleman, S. Gascoigne, T. Bradley, 31; T. Dobb, A. Hunt, T. Thompson, 31; W. Saxton, W. Hathaway, B. Hill, 19; J. Allsop, C.H. Coupe, A. Pardy, 111.

  New Hucknall Welfare v. Teversal Colliery. Played at Huthwaite, on Wednesday. Scores.-
  New Hucknall Welfare.- C. Nunn, S. Marshall, S. Mansell, 27; H. Wilson, C. Cooper, H. Mouseley, 30; F. West, H. Rudkin, W. Boot, 31; C. Pilkington, S. Scothern, B. Goodwin, 25; total 113.


Welcome Institute v. Huthwaite. Scores:
  Huthwaite.- E. Coleman, C.H. Coupe, T. Thompson, 31; J. Purdy, W. Cooper, B. Hill, 31; T. Dobb, T. Gascoigne, T. Bradley, 30; J. Allsop, C. Herrod, A. Purdy, 23; total, 115.

  Huthwaite U.D.C. v. Mansfield Colliery. Played at Huthwaite, on Saturday. Scores;
  Huthwaite U.D.C.- A. Hunt, J. Purdy, B. Hill, 21; F. Coleman, F. Deakin, T. Bradley, 16; W. Saxton, W. Cooper, T. Thompson, 30; W. Hathaway, J. Allsop, A. Purdy, 31; total, 98.



  Apparently New Hucknall Colliery's policy of running only one team in the Alliance is going to prove a successful one, especially if their first match of the season on Saturday, when they entertained Mansfield Colliery, is any criterion. Promise in both batting and bowling was displayed by the home team, who won comfortably by six wickets. ....


  A fairly successful start was made with summer sports last week-end and it would have been a quiet beginning but for the sensation caused by New Hucknall Colliery Cricket Club winning their first match in decisive style. They did it with last season's players, too, there being no new faces in the team, so it seems they are still capable of making a good show. One swallow, however, does not make a summer, and one good performance does not win a cup. A few more matches will give a better idea of what is to be expected this season. A little more confidence in themselves, and a little more support from the public will work wonders with a cricket eleven.
  The New Hucknall Welfare Tennis Club are setting out in a wholehearted manner. They are running two mixed teams in the 'A' and 'B' sections of the Collieries' Alliance, and are also entering the competition for men's doubles. The Welfare won the Alliance championship last season and only narrowly lost the knock-out cup. The 'B' team journeyed to Bentinck in a League fixture on Saturday and won easily. The 'A' team had no match.

Bowlers Well Off the Mark.

  The New Hucknall Colliery Tennis Club had no official fixture on Saturday, but they played a tournament among themselves. The Colliery Club contains some expert players and they usually give a good account of themselves in whatever the undertake. They will miss Mr. and Mrs. F. Hill, who have left the district.
  Huthwaite is an important bowling centre, and the Welfare bowlers who are in three competitions, got off the mark in good time with a couple of victories. Mr. W. Boot, 63, Newcastle Street, carries out the secretarial duties efficiently.
  The Huthwaite Bowling Club made an auspicious start which was not in keeping with their reputation, but as regards all summer games practically everybody took the field on Saturday without any practice. Players of all sorts will required a little time to acquire their wonted dexterity. The C.W.S. Athletic Association should accomplish big things on their new sports ground, which is being rapidly laid out for a variety of pastimes for both sexes. The C.W.S. has also a physical culture class which should keep the members in condition. The new ground should have been officially opened on Saturday, but the ceremony was deferred for a few weeks.

Monday. Walton's Sports Ground, Kirkby Road, Sutton. 2.30 p.m.

Written 25 Feb 12 Revised 25 Feb 12 © by Gary Elliott