Huthwaite Urban District Council at their meeting on Tuesday evening decided to send a protest to the Notts. County Council with regard to their action in appointing a Super-Committee to supersede the Mansfield Area Relief Committee. Councillor J. Davies presided over the following members:- Councillors T. Goodall, E.H. Lowe, H.A. Simpson, J. Potter, J. Iball, S. Allcock, J. Peters, F.C. Sowter, W. Clarke, D.D. Bonser and W.E. Hancock.
Water Leakage. When the Gas, Lighting and Water Committee minutes were before the Council, Mr. Bonser said the water leakage was still going on down Blackwell Road. The Surveyor said men had been down to the leakage, which was being attended to.
On the Roads and Buildings Committee minutes coming up for confirmation, Mr. Bonser said the docks (weeds) in front of the Blackwell Road houses had not been removed. At the last monthly meeting he was given to understand that this matter would receive attention, but it had not been done yet. The fences could not be seen for the weeds.
The Surveyor said he did not know that was the place referred to.
The Chairman: I think this is a matter for the County Council.
Mr. Sowter said the attention of the County Council road foreman should be drawn to the matter, and, on the speaker's proposition, it was agreed that this course be taken.
When the Cemetery, Allotments and Pleasure Grounds Committee minutes were submitted, Mr. Sowter asked if they ought not to have some minute with regard to the suggested boating lake in the new Huthwaite Park?
The Chairman said such a proposition would be rather premature. The Committee had viewed the site and had considered suggestions, and it was proposed to consider the question at the next meeting, when an estimate of the cost would be available.
The Clerk reported that rules and regulations with regard to the recreation grounds had been drawn up and would be posted up: strict observance of these rules would be enforced.
In moving the confirmation of the Public Library Committee minutes, Mr. Clarke expressed regret that the Council had seen fit to prohibit the display of political notices at the Library. He took it that the Library was a public one, and he could not see why the Council should not agree to anything being made public in the Library.
The Chairman: The Committee decided last night that the display of political notices at the Library be not allowed. They thought it should be at least a non-party building.
Mr. Clarke: The public had nothing to grumble at with regard to the small bills which were displayed, and at the attitude adopted with regard to the matter was wicked.
Mr. Simpson: We might have the notice-board at the Library plastered with nothing else but political notices. It is generally recognised that public libraries are quite neutral, and it will be more dignified if ours remains quite neutral. I think we have taken a wise course in saying that the Library shall not be used for the display of political notices.
mr. Sowter: Is it a fact that public buildings are let for political purposes, including the Library?
The Chairman: Certainly, but not to use for the purpose of displaying political notices.
Mr. Sowter: If it is let for political purposes one cannot see a great deal of objection to displaying a bill announcing a political meeting. There is not a great deal in it.
The Chairman: If the meeting is held at the Library, it is quite a different thing, but the use of the Library for the display of an advertisement which is not to be held there is quite wrong - at least the Committee think so.
Mr. Sowter: There is not a deal in it.
The minutes were confirmed.
Referring to the question of the August meetings, the Chairman said it was usual for the Council not to hold meetings during August.
Mr. Sowter moved that the usual course be followed.
Mr. Goodall: If there is need for a special meeting one will be called?
The Clerk: Yes, if there is any matter of urgency I shall call a special meeting to deal with it.
Two tenders for the painting of the interior and exterior of the Free Library, Cemetery Chapel, and house were before the meeting, and, on the proposition of Mr. Sowter, seconded by Mr. Clarke, it was agreed these be considered in Committee.
Mr. Sowter next moved that the Council protest against the action of the County Council in appointing a committee, known as a Super-Committee, over the Area Relief Committee which had been functioning for the administration of the Means Test. So far as the Committee with which he was connected was concerned there had been no complaints with regard to their work, and he had been congratulated on the manner in which they were fulfilling their duty. At a meeting held at Mansfield some time ago it leaked out that the County Council were going to appoint a Committee over the heads of the Sub-Committee, and it was decided that if this was the case the Sub-Committee would cease to function. This had actually happened, and he entirely agreed with the Sub-Committee's action because of the Super-Committee's unjustifiable attitude towards the unemployed.
"I have instances of men who have been cast off without a penny," observed Mr. Sowter, "and who have been told they must be kept by their brothers and sisters. That to me - and it ought to be to this Council - is very galling indeed. One young man of 27 has been scratched off without anything, and other young men are being reduced to pauper's and have practically been made to be kept by their fathers' and mothers. No matter what a young man is paying for board and lodgings, the Super-Committee are taking into consideration the whole of the money that is going into the household, some of which the parents never receive.
It is entirely due to the action of the County Council that we have refused to function," said Mr. Sowter, " and, as your representative on a Sub-Committee, I shall move - or if this resolution is not carried I shall take it that you have no confidence in your representative - that we send a protest against the action of the County Council in appointing a Super-Committee over the heads of the Area Relief Committee for the Mansfield District."
The Chairman: The crux of the matter is - are the Council going to support the action of their representative in conjunction with the rest of the Committee in refusing to act any further owing to the unfair way in which they have been treated by the County Council? In their opinion the local Committee think they are the Committee to deal with the question, and certainly, in my opinion, they are. The Chairman added that the protest must be against the Government, who made the laws the County Council had to administer.
Mr. Allcock seconded Mr. Sowter's motion. In supporting the proposition, Mr. Clarke said three quarters of the County Council members did not belong to the working classes, and were not aware of the conditions under which the workers had to live. Mr. Sowter's protest was quite justifiable, and it was up to the Council to support it and to see that the workers had food to eat and decent houses in which to live.
The motion was carried.
The recent garden party in aid of Mansfield Hospital, organised by Councillor Clarke, resulted in a profit of £5.
On Saturday Harold Peters (Sutton Harriers), pulled off a "double" at Ripley Hospital sports, being first in the mile flat and second in the half-mile. In the latter event he was only beaten on the tape.
Local efforts on behalf of Mansfield Hospital are not yet at an end. A fancy-dress carnival is being organised in Huthwaite to take place some time during the summer. Four donations of ten shillings each towards the fund for providing prizes for the best costumes have already been given by Councillors Davies and Clarke, Miss Adkins, and Nurse Dickens.
Two cricket elevens from the C.W.S. factory opposed each other in a friendly game last week. Mr. H. White's side totalled 84 (G. Hughes 29, A. Bailey 14); Mr Else's eleven obtained 101 for nine wickets. In this innings the top score was again 29 (W. Fox), while Whetton took six wickets for 17 runs and Herberts three for 18. There are some cricketers of remarkable promise in the C.W.S. teams.
At the United Methodist Church reference was made on Sunday evening by the preacher (Mr. J. Mansfield) to the recent loss sustained by the church owing to the death of Mrs. Hannah Parkin, who had been a life-long member and helper in many ways.
An egg and flower service was held at the United Methodist Church on Sunday afternoon, Mr. S. Mansfield, Huthwaite, presiding. Eggs to the number of 170, and a large quantity of flowers (both gifts being destined for Mansfield Hospital) had been brought by the children. The blooms included irises, while lilies, roses and carnations, and made a beautiful display arranged on a table in front of the pulpit. The afternoon was partly devoted to a musical service by the children, and partly to a poetic rendition. Twenty boys and girls sang a number of hymns, under the supervision of Mr. N. Evans, and recitations were given by Joan Simmonds, Evelyn Connah, Madge Cooper, Madge Purseglove and Joe Hardwick. The programme concluded with a rendering of Bunyan's stirring hymn. ... The organ accompaniments were shared by Mr. Evans and Miss Hawley. On Monday morning Messrs. A. Drabble and C.H. Coupe conveyed the eggs and flowers to Mansfield Hospital by motor.
Francis White, Newcastle Street, has passed the Primary Grade Examination for Violin Playing (with distinction) through the Victorian College of Music. Pupil of Mr. S. Leah, 85, Cromwell Avenue, Blackwell.-Advt.
On Saturday afternoon a Huthwaite resident named John Ellis, aged 53, of New Fall Street, was descending from a haystack in a field in Columbia Street when the ladder slipped, and he was thrown to the ground, the fall breaking his ankle. Fortunately, two members of the New Hucknall Ambulance Division were near at hand, and they were able to render first-aid. The injured man was afterwards taken to Mansfield Hospital.
Four splendid pictures with a host of first-rate players are to be seen and heard at the Lyric Theatre next week. In "The Calendar" by Edgar Wallace, the stars are Edna Best and Herbert Marshall. ... During this week-end, "Cross Marks the Spot" is a first-rate entertainment for lovers of a mystery.
At the meeting of Sutton Urban Council on Tuesday evening, presided over by Mr. H.C. Wright (chairman) the question was raised in regard to the Traffic Commissioners' decisions in reference to the recent applications of the Mansfield Tramways Company for licences to run 'buses in substitution for trams, and to whom they gave certain protection including fares to be charged.
The Clerk (Mr. Luther Pepper) said he had received a number of letters on the subject from 'bus owners. Messrs. Pratt Bros., of Huthwaite, wrote stating that they had been asked by the Traffic Commissioners to return their road licence "so that it might be revised in such a way as to give certain benefits to Mansfield Tramways. We are objecting to this revision, and respectfully request your Council to give us their support to such objections."
Letters to the effect that they were also objecting and asking for the Council's support were read from Messrs. Leah Bros., Huthwaite, the Pinxton 'Bus Co., Ltd., who urged that "the monopoly is not for the public benefit," and from the Trent Motor Traction Co. Mr. G.G. Hancock, of Sutton, writing on behalf of a large section of the public called attention to the advisability of holding a town's meeting.
Mr. J. Percival asked what action the Council should take?
The Clerk said they could write to the Ministry of Transport objecting to the decision.
Mr. Walton moved that an objection be sent to the Traffic Commissioners.
The Chairman said the Council were not concerned with the 'bus owners as such, but with the residents of Sutton, and their being able to use vehicles at a reasonable fare. What they had to do was to consider how best they could act to gain that end.
Mr. Thompson said they ought to take every step that would result in advantage to the ratepayers.
The Clerk suggested that the matter should be left to the Licencing Sub-Committee with power to act, and this was agreed to.
Sutton Urban Councillors sat for over three hours at their monthly meeting held on Tuesday evening when, in addition to the various matters below, there were several other important subjects which are reported elsewhere in this issue. Councillor H.C. Wright (chairman) presided, and others present were Councillors Dr. J. Young, T. Barnes, A. Thompson, H.S. Shacklock, A. Walton, A. Briggs, A. Pepper, C.A. Morely, J.H. Brailsford, J. Aked, J. Wade, A. Spencer and W. Limb. ...
Baths Filtration Plant. A recommendation contained in a letter from the New Hucknall Miners' Welfare Committee, that New Hucknall miners residing in Sutton be allowed the use of the Public Baths at half the ordinary cost was also agreed. Agreement was also expressed with a recommendation of the Baths Sub-Committee that they be authorised to extend the maple floor at the Baths in time for the skating season.
With regard to the question of the new filtration plant at the Baths, it was agreed that the tender of the United Filtration Company, of London, at £951 be accepted.
A recommendation that the Manor site be excavated and graded at a cost of £100 was agreed.
Mr. Barnes proposed that some more deck chairs for the Lawn be purchased and the Council agreed.
Referring to the question of damage to the seats in the Lawn by cutting these with penknives, Mr. Barnes said if anyone was caught doing this they would be taken down to Mansfield. He issued that as a warning.
Written 28 Feb 12 Revised 28 Feb 12 © by Gary Elliott