The Huthwaite Portland Flying Club and the Workpeople's Flying Club have amalgamated under the title of the Huthwaite Homing Society, and a successful season is anticipated.
On Good Friday morning a football match in aid of the local unemployed was played between Huthwaite Villa and Huthwaite United on the ground of the latter. The United won by three goals to two, a good crowed witnessing the match, which had been organised by Councillors Sowter and Alcock; Mr, T. Bradley (Unemployment Secretary), and Mr. A. Cox (Huthwaite United Secretary). The amount collected was £2 5s.
The Parish Church presented a seasonable appearance for the Easter Day services. Hyacinths, tulips, lilies and narcissi were on the alter, while daffodils and evergreens filled the bases of the windows. The blooms and foliage were the gifts of Mrs. C.H. Coupe, and had been effectively arranged by Miss Pritchett. The services were well attended, and were conducted by the Rev. W.L. Boulton (Vicar). Following two early celebrations there was a choral Eucharist sung to a setting by Eyre in E. As an opening voluntary, the organist Mr. E. Lowe played "I know that my Redeemer liveth." At the evening service the choir sang an anthem, the soprano soloist being Miss F. Smith. The offertories were given to the Vicar.
A successful whist drive was held in the Drill Hall on Wednesday for the benefit of Miss K. Barton, who has been unable to continue her work on account of ill-health. Miss G. Brailsford organised the event, and with the help of the very efficient staff of the C.W.S. Hosiery Factory, made it possible to hand over the sum of £10. Generous help was given by Mr. and Mrs. Slack, and the duties of M.C. were ably carried out by Messrs. H. Lindley, C. Hancock and S. Briggs. The prizes were presented by Miss D. Crafts, the winners being as follows:- Ladies: 1, Mrs. H. Ensor; 2, Mrs. S. Goldby; 3, Mrs. C. Purdy. Gent's: 1, Mr. C. Herrod; Mr. Tomlinson; 3, Mr. A. Fidler. Refreshments were served by Miss G. Brailsford, Mrs. J. Ensor and Miss E. Adkin.
Gene Gerrard and Muriel Angelus are the stars in an uproariously funny comedy during the first part of next week at the Lyric Theatre. ... During this week-end "The Man they could not Arrest" provides surprise and thrills all the way.
Music from "The Messiah" was a feature of the United Methodist Church services on Sunday. There were disappointing audiences for which the weather was probably responsible. At the afternoon service the choir rendered... Mrs. R. Bowmar sang and Mrs. M. Evans. Items were also given from the cantata "Christ and his soldiers." Mr. Tom Bowmar sang "When I survey," Mrs. Bowmar "By Jesu's grave," and the quartette was given by Mrs. J.R. Purseglove (soprano). Miss A. Baxter (contralto), Mr. W. Parkin (tenor) and Mr. E. Purseglove (bass). The evening programme was a very attractive one. Mrs. M. Evans gave a sympathetic rendering, while Mr. Fred Hill displayed unusual power and volume. ...
The members of New Hucknall Colliery Ambulance Division held a successful gathering in the Drill Hall, Huthwaite, on Saturday, the attendance including the officials of the Division and the hon. surgeon instructor to the ambulance classes, Dr. Gaston, accompanied by Mrs. Gaston.
A first-rate tea had been prepared by Mrs. Slack, and the presentation of awards was made by Mrs. Gaston. The following were the recipients:-
Certificates: T. Marshall, A. Adlington, C. Stones.
Vouchers: James Herbert Mann and A. Carrington.
Medallions: F. Ball, T. Herrod, E. Farnsworth, L. Humphries, F. Colley, C. Mann and W. Richards.
Labels: Corps.-Officer Murfin, Ambulance Officer Rallings, Sgt. Blow, Cpls. Straw and Allen, Lee, -Cpls. Ashley, Beighton and Hulme, Ptes. Tomlinson, Edwards, H. Speed, L. Marshall, W. Marshall, Stirland, J. Speed, Heathcote, Bagguley, Ward and Evans.
The evening ended with a dance, the Division officials acting as M.C.'s.
At the Huthwaite Primitive Methodist Church on Monday the wedding was solemnised between Miss Elizabeth Arrowsmith, daughter of Mr. J. Arrowsmith of Huthwaite, and the late Mrs. Arrowsmith, and Mr. James Albert Fleet, son of Mrs. Fleet, of Kirkby, and the late Mr. J. Fleet. The Rev. J.H.C. Rogers was the officiating minister.
... She was given away by her brother, Mr. Sid Arrowsmith. Miss May Marshall, of Tibshelf (friend of the bride) and Miss Doris Fleet (sister of bridegroom) were the bridesmaids. ... Mr. Jack Fleet (brother of groom) was best man. The bride's bouquet was afterwards placed on her mother's grave.
A reception was held at the home of the bride's cousin, Mr. and Mrs. F. Davis, 'Lea-holme,' Huthwaite Road, Sutton. The bride and bridegroom's future home is 'Hale Barns,' Lime Tree Avenue, Kirkby-in-Ashfield. Among the numerous presents received by the happy couple was a bronze plant bowl from the bride's work friends at the C.W.S.
On Wednesday the yearly treat for the Huthwaite old residents took place in the Drill Hall, where 200 guests of 62 years of age and upwards assembled. A bounteous meal had been provided, and after grace had been recited by the Rev. W.L. Boulton, the old people kept a large staff of helpers busy. There were plenty of good things to satisfy every taste and appetite.
Creature Comforts. After tea smoking materials were provided, and various beverages were on tap, so that every creature comfort was attended to. Mr. G.J. Wright was the chairman over the subsequent proceedings, and after he had welcomed the old people a miscellaneous entertainment, interspersed with speeches, was gone through.
The following were the entertainers: Mr. Pem Darch (who played pianoforte selections during tea), "The Three Earps" (Pleasley), in humorous character sketches, Messrs A. Swindell and H. Sansom (piano and piccolo duet), Miss Eveson (soprano), Miss T. Davies (elocutionist), Mr. R. Stoll (Mansfield), comedian and Mr. J. Oliver (baritone). Mr. W. Harwood had charge of the entertainment programme and Mr. Swindell made a capital accompanist.
Mr. A. Tomlinson (secretary), in a vote of thanks to subscribers, mentioned the Duke of Portland, Mansfield Brewery Co., Shipstone's Brewery Co., Daybrook Brewery, Sir John Player (Nottingham), Mr. H. Heath (Kirkby), Mr. Josiah Brown (Ripley), Messrs. Coppacks (Nottingham), Wills and Sons (Bristol), and the Stanton Hill Co-operative Society. Local tradesmen had also assisted generously in cash or kind, and Mr. Tomlinson emphasised the kindness of Mr. Hirst, manager of the Huthwaite Lyric Picture House, who had arranged a show on behalf of the funds. The Committee were highly appreciative of Mr. Hirst's generous action.
A vote of thanks to the lady helpers and artistes was proposed by Mr. Bonsall and one to the officials and secretary was entrusted to Mr. H.A. Simpson.
In addition to the tea in the Hall, 53 parcels of food were sent out to those unable to attend. The oldest lady present was Mrs. Thorpe (89) and the oldest gentleman Mr. F. Coupe (84). Each of these was presented with 10s. by an anonymous donor. Every male guest received an ounce of tobacco and every female a quarter of tea.
The following are the committee and helpers:- Messrs. J.G. Wright (Chairman), A. Tomlinson (Secretary), H. Holland (Treasurer), M. Betts (Vice-chairman), Committee: Messrs. W. Straw, C. Bonsall, C. Evans, W. Gascoigne, W. Harwood, C.H. Coupe, O. Hardy, W. Thurman, W. Coleman, W. Lawrence, J. Limb, F. Foulkes, W. Rowlston, G. Slack, W. Slack, A. Quayle.
Lady helpers:- Mrs. W. Straw, Mrs. A. Tomlinson, Mrs. J. Wright, Mrs. J. Evason, Mrs. F. Wright, Mrs. S. Herrod senr., Mrs. S. Herrod junr., Mrs. W. Harwood, Mrs. F. Foulkes, Mrs. C.H. Coupe, Mrs. Farr, Mrs. Rowlston, Mrs. C. Bonsall, Mrs. J. Ensor, Mrs. W. Slack, Mrs. B. Oxley, Mrs. H. Simpson, Mrs. G. Slack, Miss G. Smith, Mrs. Davies, Miss W. Wright.
Ambulance members present were ambulance officer Rallings, sergeant Blow, privates Evans and Marshall.
Sutton's all-British "talkie" house, the new Kings Theatre, was formally opened on Saturday afternoon by the Chairman of the Sutton Urban District Council (Mr. A. Pepper) and to celebrate the occasion the Aleph Entertainments Ltd., owners of the theatre, entertained an audience of approximately 800 to a fine programme of pictures, after which refreshments were served.
Beauty of Surroundings. The audience was a very representative one and included members of the local Council, representatives of the clergy, police, medical practitioner and several public bodies. The Huthwaite Prize Band played pleasing selections as the audience assembled.
Immediately on entering the theatre the guests must have been impressed by the beauty of the surroundings. The decorative scheme is extremely effective and very pleasing to the eye, while the maximum amount of comfort is afforded by the seating arrangements. Sutton can claim the possession of a modern theatre, of which not only the management but residents might well feel justifiably proud.
Mr. W. Holbrook (general manager for Aleph Entertainments Ltd.) expressed pleasure at seeing so many present and hoped they would enjoy the programme immensely. Referring to Mr. F.W. Harris (resident manager of the new Kings) as a man of wide experience in the entertainment world, the speaker said if they were as kind to Mr. Harris as they had been to him, he was sure Mr. Harris would be very happy. Mr. Holbrook said he had been in many towns, but in no town had he been happier than in Sutton during the last two years. He had met with courtesy and kindness everywhere and particularly from the police force.
Introduced by Mr. Holbrook, Mr. H. Elton (managing director of Aleph Entertainments Ltd.) said he had received a batch of apologies for absence and kind messages for the success of the new Kings, and read the telegram from Mr. Ronald Colman (the star in "The Unholy Garden"), Mr. Samuel Goldwyn and Mr. J. Pollard (Mayor of Mansfield). Aleph Entertainments Ltd. were not going to promise too much in the way of entertainment, but they were endeavouring to give the town theatres of which it would be proud. One of the prime motives of the directors was that if Sutton residents had any money to spend on entertainment they should have the opportunity of spending it in Sutton. Mr. Elton then called upon Councillor A. Pepper to declare the theatre open.
Mr. Pepper thanked the directors for giving him the opportunity of taking part in the opening of that very beautiful theatre, and said the directors were to be congratulated on the transforming scene which had taken place on that small piece of land. He was sure they would all agree that the theatre was a beautiful addition to the buildings in Sutton. He took the opportunity of welcoming Mr. Harris and hoped he would take the same interest in the young and aged of Sutton as Mr. Holbrook. For some time cinema patrons had had to go to Mansfield and surrounding places for some of their amusement, ...
Sutton Motor Club promoted a successful grass track race meeting on Walton's Sports Ground, Kirkby Road, on Monday afternoon, and an attendance of over 1,000 spectators were treated to some excellent riding.
The course was slightly heavy, but nevertheless some very fast times were set up. Four laps constituted a mile, and a special enclosure had been erected for the machines and riders.
The fastest time of the day was set up by H. Frow. The officials were :- Handicapers : Messrs. W. Henstock and E. Dudley; timekeepers, Messrs. Geo. Barke and C. Wass; starter, Mr. E. Dudley; microphone announcer Mr. J. Spaanderman; judges, Messrs. A. Walton, C. Wright and E.A. Dawes; competitors' marshalls, Messrs. E. Nuttall and F. Crafts; stewards, Messrs G. Howard, A. Parnell, C. Savory, C. Corson and A. Wilson. Members of the St. John Ambulance Brigade were in attendance, but happily their services were not required.
Written 23 Feb 12 Revised 23 Feb 12 © by Gary Elliott