Hucknall Huthwaite Urban District Council were responsible for the 1902 opening of this third new Public Elementary schoolhouse. Designed to accommodate an additional 260 infants, plus 360 junior boys and girls, actually presented two neighbouring buildings amid the recently developed back streets, when recognising need to cope with far more rapid twentieth century village expansion.
Original ground plan is still evident after mapping 1933 broader residential expansion, amongst which these were initially called the Hucknall Huthwaite, or Local Council Schools. Main access gained via a fronting primary school soon offered fuller addressing given Huthwaite New Street Council Schools, or just a more commonly shortened New Street Schools.
Infants nearing five years of age would be sent into this roadside property through heavy double doors, to find a cloakroom on left for hanging up name tagged coats. A separate toilet block cornered the rear playground. Miss Hellen Shaw identifies the first Infants Headmistress.
All junior pupils ageing between eight to eleven years moved up into the bigger school situated behind. Despite larger size, sheltered position didn't present many photos other than revealed in background featuring two later primary teachers. Miss Dennis was then Headmistress, with Miss Bailey able to extend her locally influential family name beyond discovering one brother named Mr J W Bailey BSc formerly held post of assistant master at these Council Schools. His July 1932 return from Constantinople had been a three year post of assistant master at one of their English High Schools.
First headmaster was Mr Thomas Goodall. Career from a 14 year old pupil teacher living with parents in Teveral matured into an 1891 fully Trained & Certified School Teacher who married a Great Yarmouth School Board Teacher Miss Alice May Greenstreet. Blackwell Road offered first marital home to feature in those school class years. Common Road next became future home for a growing family relating later teacher names, plus a marital tie with the Bailey family adding brothers named George and Robert.
These classrooms were all mixed, catering for each year. Boys and girls were just separated for any junior sports PE and play ground breaks. Hearing shrill squeals of elder children playing over our rear Main Street garden wall is long remembered, before being blindly led in trepidation to start first day, arriving late and just left dumped inside 1964 primary school gate. Miss Bailey kindly taught first year class, supplied daily with free small bottles of milk.
New Street Council Schools had already been renamed John Davies Schools some years before. Name must acknowledge prior efforts and good intent by a Councillor Davies. Years 1932-34 can identify John was not just the school manager. Cllr. Davies held influential positions as Chairman of the Huthwaite Urban District Council, plus a Nottinghamshire County Councillor and Mansfield Magistrate.
Cllr. J. Davies J.P. likely ensured this schools future when need came to extend school grounds. Addition of an adjacent sports field then promoted open air team games for both girls and boys. That raised school recognition among district leagues when classroom pupil ranking also favoured winners. Gallery covering various team sports can separately feature repeated success of John Davies Football Club.
One long serving teacher is well recognised from coaching football, later assisted by a younger Mr Bunting. Mr Rowlston taught under three headmasters after Mr T Goodall. Elder generations might still recall Mr H Johnson next held junior school head office. Mr Goulding is personally remembered having served beyond my schoolboy years, up until closing these New Street Schools. To confuse matters somewhat, John Davies name was then transferred to an existing Barker Street School complex. Relocating all infant pupils including Mr Rowlston with some existing teachers identified a newly appointed master, although Mr Taylor actually introduces the next historic chapter covering another now bygone Barker Street John Davies Primary education.
These schools closed from 1977 county cutbacks, when Nottinghamshire Education timely decided to adopt a full comprehensive system. Comparable views of the former New Street John Davies primary school shows when converted buildings were being used as a Huthwaite Leisure Centre. Opened 1982 by Ashfield District Council and lastly managed by SLM Ltd until another cost effective 2017 closure, redundant premises have so far survived plans for proposed demolition to make way for more houses.
Shown from year 2002 is the former junior school building, turned into John Davies Workshops. Security fencing then aimed to keep children out, although adding Main Street entrance gate did welcome parental access for younger nursery ages. A Kids Club sited below car park upon what had been the schools grassed sports field, added yet another name to a list of business closures before a similar used 2016 Play & Party Centre reopening.