THE question of providing further 'bus facilities for Huthwaite children attending school in Sutton was raised at the monthly meeting of the Sutton School Managers held at the Office of the Correspondent on Monday evening, and it was decided to make representations to the County Education Committee on the matter.
The meeting wa presided over by Mr. J. Davies (Chairman), and others present were Mrs. C. Brown, Messrs. T. Barnes, F.C. Sowter, H. Gascoigne, A. Thompson and W.H. Cullen (Correspondent).
The question of the transport for Huthwaite scholars was raised by Mr. Sowter, who asked how many children were travelling from Huthwaite to the Priestsic Road School at Sutton.
The Correspondent replied that he could not say off-hand, but he could obtain the information.
Mr. Sowter said the reason he had brought forward the matter was because he thought arrangements should be made whereby the children could board 'buses in Priestsic Road and not have to go to the town centre, where it was busy and very dangerous. He understood that at the moment they were travelling by the ordinary 'bus service and he thought special 'buses should be engaged for them.
It was suggested that the Director of Education should be asked to meet the Managers and discuss the subject, and another proposal put forward was that all the children living beyond Huthwaite Cemetery, and who attended school at Sutton, should be provided with a private 'bus, while those living on the Sutton side of the Cemetery should make their own arrangements for getting to school.
Mrs. Brown said she understood that at one school there were 70 children who travelled by 'bus and paid their own fare. In addition there were boys from Hardwick Street School. The children rushed to get on the 'buses at the Northern Bridge and adults often had difficulty in getting on. She wondered if it would be possible to arrange for a 'bus to go down Priestsic Road for the children.
No Further Shelters.The Correspondent said if the Committee agreed to a special 'bus this could be done, otherwise he was afraid people would have to put up with a crowd of children. It was up to the 'bus company to put on extra 'buses if necessary.
It was pointed out that the children left school at 12.30 and five o'clock, which were very busy times
Mrs. Brown: I think so, too.
It was decided to recommend the Education Committee to provide 'buses for children living in the area beyond Huthwaite Cemetery.
With reference to the recommendations of the Managers that air-raid shelters should be provided for all school children in the area, a letter was read from the Director of Education stating that the views of the Managers had been brought to the notice of the Sites and Buildings Sub-Committee, and it was decided not to alter the previous decision, namely, that with the exception of the shelters being provided at Stanton Hill and Mansfield Road Infants' Schools, no further shelters will be provide at Sutton. It was also decided that no protection could be provided for windows of schools, as such protection was only for schools in danger areas. ...
On behalf of the Spitfire Fund, the prize for competitions at the New Hucknall Institute was given by Mr. A. Munks this week. The three efforts have realised £10 10s., and £30 has been devoted to the Spitfire Fund and 10s. to the local Comforts Fund.
Instead of a speaker on the usual lines at the Sherwood Street Methodist Church Christian Endeavours Society on Monday, an "open-night" was held. The members contributed papers on the test of St. Paul...
On Monday, the annual meeting of the Parish Church Mothers' Union was held in the Common Road School. There was a fairly good attendance, over which Mrs. Grierson presided. The officials were re-elected as follow:- President, Mrs. Grierson; Secretary and Enrolling Member, Mrs. M. Shaw; Treasurer, Mrs. A. Allsop; Bazaar Treasurer, Mrs. J.R. Wright. ...
The Christian Endeavour anniversary at the New Fall Street Methodist Church was very successful. The Rev. J.H.C. Rogers preached at a musical service in the afternoon, the items being given by C.E. members. Those taking part were Joyce Williamson, Nancy Hinks and Edna Marshall (soloists); Donald Williamson and Rita Williamson (duettists) and Master Graham Hardy (elocutionist). The organist throughout was Mr. G. Iball ...
On Sunday the 56th anniversary of the Sherwood Street Church was held. This refers to the period during which the Church has been situated in Sherwood Street, its actual history commencing in Main Street, and going back 90 years. ....
Written 04 Feb 12 Revised 04 Feb 12 © by Gary Elliott