Archived Extracts

the nottinghamshire FREE PRESS

a weeks news dated - May 17th 1935


THE provision of work on the rota system for unemployed in the Sutton urban area was one of the principal subjects raised at the monthly meeting of the Sutton Urban Council on Monday evening, when a committee consisting of the chairman of the various Committees was appointed to consider the proposal.
  The meeting was presided over by Councillor C. Brown, M.P. (Chairman). and others present were Councillors the Rev. L.J. Stamper, Mrs. C. Moore, H.C. Wright, E.H. Lowe, J. Davies, J.B. Stuart, J.A. Percival, T.H. Taylor, A. Thompson, H. Squires, T. Lawrence, W. Baugh, G. Shaw, A. Walton, G.H. Barker, F.C. Sowter and W. Limb.

Fulwood and George Street

In reply to Mr. Davies, who referred to a complaint that the water supply to the Fulwood and George Street areas was cut off at 11 p.m. each day, the Water Manager said he had put the matter right in regard to George Street, connecting it up to the Travellers Rest at Huthwaite. The Fulwood position had not yet been fully investigated.
Mr. Lawrence said he had been informed there was now plenty of water...

Catering at Huthwaite.

The matter was thereupon allowed to drop. Arising out of the minutes of the General Purposes Committee and the acceptance of tender for catering on the Lawn, Sutton, Mr. Davies said that previously at Huthwaite people had paid 2s. 6d. to cater, on the recreation ground there, and as many Huthwaite residents who had cared to take advantage of this opportunity to sell small articles such as ice cream and chocolates had been allowed to do so by payment of this amount. He proposed that the same facilities should be given for the coming session, and that it be confined to Huthwaite residents...
Mr. Sowter: We are very poor in Huthwaite, that is why it is such a low figure.
The Chairman: I hope you don't get more sellers than buyers.
The proposition was carried.

Huthwaite Cemetery.

Mr. Lowe called attention to the minute of the Health Committee recording the acceptance of the resignation of Mr. R. Bailey as superintendent of the Huthwaite Cemetery owing to ill-health, and that it was resolved to advertise for applicants for the post from residents of the enlarged urban district. " I think as we have only just come together it should be confined to Huthwaite residents," observed Mr. Lowe. "Should I be in order in moving that?"
The Chairman: You would be in order in moving that the words "enlarged urban district," be deleted and substituted by the words "Huthwaite Ward".
Mr. Lowe thereupon proposed this should be done.
Mr. Davies seconded and said many had expressed the opinion that the application should be confined to Huthwaite.
Mr. Sowter said he supported the proposition, but on different grounds. Mr. Bailey had been ill for a considerable time, and it was true to say his wages were going on for a nice while. He had been an extraordinarily good man and faithful servant, well respected in every way, but there had been a man carrying out his duties during his illness and it seemed strange to him (the speaker) that they should advertise for a man when they had one to do the job.

Whitsuntide Arrangements.

An application for permission for the Nonconformist Sunday Schools to use the Huthwaite Market Place and Park on Whit Monday was agreed to.
Mr. Thompson: Can we take it from the Chairman of the Roads and Buildings Committee that the tar spraying will not be carried out on the route of the procession...

Population of Area.

Returns by the Postmaster General in regard to population at Mid-**** 1934 were submitted by the Clerk who said these showed that the population of Sutton was 25,750, Skegby 8,135 and Huthwaite 5,135, a total of 39,927 and (the Clerk) had always said the figure was approximately 40,000.


Written 30 Jan 12 Revised 30 Jan 12 © by Gary Elliott