The grounds of "The Orchards" were a delightful spot on Saturday for an open-air function, and a whist drive held there was a big success. The event was organised by the Huthwaite Bowling Club on behalf of the Club. Mr. C.H. Coupe, J.P. (President) having kindly allowed the use of the grounds. Mr. T. Bradley was M.C. and the winners were Messrs. J.T. Walker; J. Clifton; C. Adlington; and M. Taylor. Mrs. Coupe distributed the prizes and Mr. Bradley, on behalf of the gathering, moved a vote of thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Coupe for helping the effort in the way they had done. Appreciation was also expressed of the loan of tables and chairs from another source and of all who had attended.
The marriage took place at Mansfield Registry Office of Mr. Wilfred Stanley Clark, of 50 Meden Bank, Stanton Hill, and Miss Ethel May Spate, fourth daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. J. Spate, 40 Sherwood Street. The bride was given away by her brother, Mr. John Francis Spate, and Mr. Wm. H. Draycott (Tibshelf) a personal friend, acted as best man.
The bridesmaid was Miss Gladys Bowler (friend of the bride)... About 30 guests were entertained at 40 Sherwood Street, which will be the happy couple's address.
At the Huthwaite Parish Church on Saturday, the Rev. T.A. Boulton officiating, Miss Gladys Rhodes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Rhodes, of 136 Main Street, Huthwaite, was married to Mr. Albert Blythe, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Blythe, of 127 Cross Row, Stanton Hill.
Given away by her father, ... There were five bridesmaids, those attending in this capacity being the Misses Doris and Nellie Rhodes (sisters of the bride), Miss Marjorie Blythe (sister of bridegroom), Misses Mavis Stopps and Brenda Bagnall (nieces of bride). Mr Harry Blythe (cousin of bridegroom) was best man.
As the bride was leaving the Church, her niece Enid Rhodes, presented her with a lucky horse-shoe. A reception was held at the White Lion Hotel, Huthwaite, kindly lent by Hostess Hardy, a hundred guests being present, and they were entertained by the bridegroom, who is a well-known ventriloquist, and his brother. Numerous presents were received, including one from Mrs. H.B. Stevens, and family, by whom the brie was employed. Their future address will be 45, Burns Street, Nottingham.
Organised by the West End Football Club a competition was held at the Shoulder of Mutton on Sunday for the best plate of three potatoes, any variety. Three prizes were offered, and all were won by Mr. George Hair (Sutton).
A service of song was given at the New Fall Street Church on Sunday afternoon by the Ladies' Guild Choir numbering about 30. A good rendering was given, the soprano soloist being Mrs. S. Spencer. The conductor was Mr. J. W. Allsop, and the pianist Mrs. D. Alvey, while the connective readings were given by the Rev. J.H.C. Rogers...
A repetition of the Sherwood Street Sunday School anniversary was given on Sunday, the preacher being Mr. F. Wilson, of Somercotes. The musical portion of the programme was in charge of Mr. Norman Evans, who conducted a choir which comprised all the Sunday school children, whom he had trained for the occasion. Recitations were given by the following children, prepared by Miss Baxter:- Leonard Higginson; Dennis Flowers; Freda Charlton; Avis Herrod; Jean Bettison; Gwennie Allen; Mary Hardwick, collection piece, and Enid Rhodes... The organist was Miss H. Hawley and the offertories were devoted to the Sunday school funds.
Five members of the Social Service Centre have been invited to spend a fortnight in a holiday camp at Stratford-on-Avon. The invitation is an acknowledgement of work done in connection with the Centre, and the selected five are Messrs. J. Bingham (steward), J. Gunby, H. Thompson, G. Taylor and J. Wright. Another member who has put in a good deal of spadework, Mr. T. Bradley, was unable to join the party owing to other arrangements. The river Avon near Stratford, is one of the prettiest and most poetic spots in England, and the holiday will be spent with a number of other visitors from other centres...
There were public letter carrying services in Queen Elizabeth's time, but the Post Office only claims that its history goes back three centuries. It has celebrated its tercentenary by making telephone concessions in rural areas. From being a by-word for hidebound officialism the Post Office has acquired a reputation for public-spirited enterprise and progressive administration. It is therefore a thousand pities the tercentenary could not have been marked by the re-establishment of the penny letter post - the most acceptable of all gifts the Post Office could offer the public.
The restoration has been urged on every Government since the war. It has been made the subject of countless resolutions by Chambers of Commerce and commercial organisations. The only time there was a prospect of getting the penny post back was when Mr. Winston Churchill was Chancellor of the Exchequer and had a few million to give away. Had he used them to restore the penny post it would have been a lasting gain to the country, but he chose instead to take off the tea duty which has since been put back.
Written 14 Feb 12 Revised 14 Feb 12 © by Gary Elliott