Archived Extracts

the nottinghamshire FREE PRESS

a weeks news dated - December 1st 1933


  Twenty-four tables were occupied at the C.W.S. F.C. whist drive on Monday, when Messrs. C. Jordon and R. Bond were M.C.'s. The following were prize-winners: Ladies: 1, Mrs. Randall; Miss A. Chappell; 3, Mrs. Peters. Gent.'s: 1, Mr. Cupit; 2, Mr. Bettison; 3, Mr. Jenkins.

  The death took place early on Sunday of Mrs. E. Taylor, of Summer Hill, Chesterfield Road. For many years a devoted church worker, she was the wife of a former churchwarden (Mr. A. Taylor). In a reference on Sunday morning during the sermon the Vicar spoke of the late Mrs. Taylor as one of the most loved members of the Parish Church.

  On Monday a whist drive was held in the Common Road Schools by the women's section of the Huthwaite Unionist Association. Mr. W. Rockley was the M.C., and prizes were won by the following, who are entitled to compete in the divisional whist drive at Mansfield: Miss B. Bostock; Mrs. Nicholls; Mrs. Dickens; Miss E. Bostock; Mr. J. Newman. The refreshment department was in charge of Mesdames Simpson, J. Ensor and Fitchett, Misses Searson and Farnsworth.

  The Ladies Guild effort at the New Fall Street Church continued on Tuesday with a ham and tongue tea, all the arrangements being made by the ladies. An entertainment was given afterwards, the chairman being Mrs. Vann, of Stanton Hill. Vocalists were Mrs. Munns (East Kirkby), Mrs. Bowmar and Mrs. Jones, and a sketch was presented. The musical director was Mr. J.W. Allsop and the pianist Mrs. W. Allsop. The secretarial arrangements on behalf of the Ladies' Guild were carried out by Mrs. F. Sowter.

  A successful effort by the New Fall Street Church Ladies' Guild was commenced on Sunday, the proceeds being devoted to the Guild funds. The preacher on Sunday was Mrs. Banks (Glapwell), who also presided at a service of song in the afternoon. The title of this was "Left Alone" and the connective readings were given by Miss E. Colley. At the evening service two solos were rendered by Mrs. Smedley, of Ripley, and part songs were contributed by the Ladies' Choir. The organist and accompanist during the day was Mr. J.W. Allsop. On Monday a rehearsal of a concert for the following day was given in the schoolroom. There was a very good audience and the various items were well received.

  On Wednesday a concert was given in the Sutton Road Methodist Schoolroom in aid of the Sunday School funds. The excellence of the artistes attracted a packed audience, over which Mr. T. Goodall presided. A capital programme was given by the following: Misses D. Holland and Joyce Bingham (soloists); Mr. England (Sutton), piano-accordian selections; Mrs. Matthews (Sutton), elocutionist; Quartette Party, Misses F. Ball and A. Booth, Messrs. S. Hague and H. Weston; New Street School children's dancing troupe (directed by Miss Gill); humorous sketch (Messrs. L. Bailey and F. Hill, Miss M. Oldham). The pianists were Mr. Donald Weston and Miss Clarice Hardy, and the entertainers were well received. The secretarial duties were carried out by Mr. G. Hill (Sunday School secretary).

  On behalf of the Blackwell Road School's Christmas Treat fund a whist drive was held in the Common Road Schools on Wednesday. The event was a pronounced success, over 90 per cent. playing whist, the M.C.'s being Messrs. C. Bonsall (Headmaster) and J. Kitchen (Sutton). The prizes had been given, and were won by the following:- Ladies: 1, Mrs. Gilbert; 2, Miss A. Wilson; 3, Mrs. Harrison. Gent's: 1, Mr. C.H. Coupe, J.P. (after cutting); 2, Mr. Bone; 3, Mr. J. Clifton. A lucky number was also drawn by Mr. Clifton, which entitled him to a cake given by Miss Whetton. The prizes were presented by Miss J. Kitchen (Headmistress of the Common Road Schools). Helpers in various ways were Mesdames Bonsall, Gascoigne, Whetton (Sutton) and J. Ensor, Misses Lineker, Whetton, Belshaw, E. Goodall, G. Wright and W. Wright, and a group of senior girls, and Messrs. Thomas, Walker and Gunby. Towards the close Mr. Bonsall thanked the School Managers for the use of the buildings, donors of prizes, the refreshment staff, and all who had assisted and thereby assured the children of a first rate Christmas treat.


  Mr. Samuel Gascoigne, who met with a fatal accident at Bilsthorpe Colliery last week, was a Huthwaite man, being the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Gasoigne, of Club Yard. He was 32 years of age, and leaves a widow and one son. The funeral took place at Bilsthorpe on Saturday, the mourners being as follow:- Wife and Son; Mother and Father; Harold and Arthur, brothers; Hilda, Gladys and Nellie, sisters; Mabel and Herbert, Martha and Arthur, sisters and brothers-in-law; Mr. and Mrs. Hardy, Bilsthorpe, father and mother-in-law; Mr. and Mrs. Swain, Warsop, brother and sister; Mr. and Mrs. G. Robinson, Blidworth; Alice and Husband, Bilsthorpe, Gladys and George Hardy; Mr. and Mrs. Whitby, Clipstone; Mr. and Mrs. Witham; Mr. and Mrs. Cobb, Sutton, and Councillor Clark (Huthwaite), friend.
  Wreaths were sent by Wife and Son; Mam and Dad; Mabel, Herbert, Hilda and Gladys; Doreen and Ronald; Martha and Arthur; Harold; Mother and Father-in-law and family; friends and neighbours; Mr. and Mrs. Whitby of Clipstone; local officials and committee of the Notts. Industrial Union; fellow workmen; Auntie Nellie, Sutton; Cousin Rebecca; Mr. and Mrs. Witham, Mr. and Mrs. Cobb; Miss Stocks and Miss Patchett; and with deepest sympathy from the Directors and Officials of the Stanton Iron Works Company Ltd.


  Wednesday evening was the occasion of a highly successful variety entertainment organised by a small committee of church workers in aid of the Huthwaite Parish Church Roof Fund. The effort was enhanced by the proceeds of a dance previously held, and as a result a considerable sum will be handed to the Church Council.
  The programme opened with a capital performance of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's famous play, "Waterloo." The story tells fo old Corporal Brewster, ...

Fine Acting.

  The performance of Mr. H.A. Simpson as the old corporal was a masterpiece of stagecraft, and revealed the sure touch of the experienced actor. Admirable support was given him by the sympathetic performance of Miss Cecile White as Norah, the contrasted study of the young soldier of Mr. Len Bailey, and the realistic acting of Mr. Frank Hill as the Colonel.
  The play was followed by songs by Peggy Martin, accompanied by Mr. Spanderman. Recitations by Master David Kennington, and dances by Miss Gill's Troupe.
  The programme concluded with the staging of the play "Future Arrangements." This nautical farce was an excellent contrast to the first play, and gave opportunity for quite a different type of acting. The wife of Captain Dutt, a terror of a woman, announced her intention of joining the ship on the next voyage, and both the captain and crew are concerned beyond measure. ....

Much Merriment.

  From beginning to end the audience rocked with laughter at the adroit fooling of the players who took the piece at a splendid pace throughout, and never allowed the audience to recover from the effects of one absurd situation before springing another equally funny one on them. Mr. Frank Hill gave a capital sketch of the master of the Jane Gladys, and Miss Mary Oldham's portrayal of the shrewish Mrs. Dutt, with the expressive sniff and domineering manner, was especially to be commended. Mr. Len Bailey carried the battered bowler and whiskered fringe of the ancient mariner to the triumphant limits of those stock properties of the "stage" seaman, while Mr. Robert Bailey's facial expressions as he drew vivid pictures of the "doom to come" from a "pudden basin" convulsed the audience.
  The Rev. W.L. Boulton presided at the gathering, and great credit is due to all workers, door keepers, stewards, programme sellers, refreshment caterers for artistes, ticket sellers, etc. for combining to create such an evening's enjoyment.
  The principal organisers were Mrs. L. Hill and Mrs. F. Beastall, and the players are members of the Sutton Amateur Dramatic Society.


  The funeral took place on Saturday of Mrs. Anne Rowe, of 10, Bainbridge Terrace, where she had lived for 36 years. Deceased, who had been ailing for a year or two, was confined to the house for six weeks before the end. She was 66 years of age, and although not a native of Huthwaite was brought there in her infancy, and had thus lived 60 years or so in the place. She attended the Wesleyan Church when she could, and where her family received their early religious teaching. She leaves a husband, five sons and seven daughters, all married excepting one daughter. The late Mrs. Rowe married fairly early in life, and another year would have seen the 50th anniversary of her wedding.
  Mr. C. Mann officiated at the funeral, and conducted a service in the Sutton Road ex-Wesleyan Church. .... the accompaniments being played by Miss F. Ball.

Mourners and Floral Tributes.

  The principal mourners were:- The husband (Mr. W. Rowe); Mrs. Elston (Netherfield), Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Rowe, Mr. and Mrs. T. Shaw, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Rowe, Mr. and Mrs. M. Rowe (Normanton), Mr. and Mrs. H. Shaw (Stanton Hill), Mr. and Mrs. A. Jones (Stanton Hill), Mr. and Mrs. F. Rowe, Mr. and Mrs. E. Ride (Sutton), and Mr. and Mrs. Whitehead, sons and daughters; Mrs. R. Shaw (Sutton), sister; Mr. and Mrs. T. Rowe, brother-in-law: Mrs. Marshall (Huthwaite), sister-in-law; Miss M. Shaw, granddaughter.
  The bearers were Messrs. S. Trigg, H. Thompson, W. Marshall, R. Wright, T. Marshall and W. Kirk.
  Floral tributes were sent by:- Husband and Daughter Annie; Mr. and Mrs. E. Elston; Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Rowe and Daughters; Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Rowe; Mr. and Mrs. T. Shaw and Daughters; Mr. and Mrs. E. Rowe; Mr. and Mrs. W. Rowe; Mr. and Mrs. M. Rowe; Mr. and Mrs. H. Shaw; Mr. and Mrs. A. Jones; Mr. and Mrs. F. Rowe; Mr. and Mrs. W. Ride; Mr. and Mrs. B. Whitehead and Reggie; Mrs. R. Shaw; Mr. and Mrs. T. Rowe; Mr. and Mrs. T. Marshall; Women's Death and Dividing Club; Mr. and Mrs. H. Kirk; Mr. and Mrs. Fox; Mr. and Mrs. Comery; Mrs. B. Chappel; Mr. and Mrs. T. Hodson and Jean; Mr. and Mrs. C.S. Chappel; Mr. and Mrs. C. Ellis; Mrs. Roberts and family.


  The re-union tea and concert in connection with the Huthwaite Prize Band took place in the Library Lecture Hall, Huthwaite, on Saturday, when an excellent tea was served by Mrs. Edwards. Upwards of one hundred bandsmen (past and present) with their wives and lady friends, and Councillors enjoyed the proceedings, which included a short whist drive.
  Mr. C.H. Coupe occupied the chair, being supported by Councillors M. Betts, J. Davies, C.C., and W. Clarke. In his opening remarks, the Chairman spoke of his happy association with the band, its Bandmaster years ago (the late Mr. J.B. Cooper) and the present Bandmaster, Mr. Chas. A. Cooper, and said he was pleased to see the Band carrying on so well, even though conditions were very difficult. He hoped the Band would achieve many more successes, and appealed for better support. The Band had done a great deal of charitable work in Huthwaite, and was willing to render still further services when required.


  The programme presented during the evening included the following items:- Quartette, "Sweet doth blush," Elite Party; song, "Come sing with me," Madam Scothern; humorous song, "Lovers' Lane," Mr. F. Maxwell; violin solo, "Home sweet home," Mr. A. Attwood; song, "My heart's delight" (encore, "Star of Heaven"), Mr. G. Bee; quartette, "Gypsy Glee" Party, song, Madam Scothern; violin, Mr. A. Attwood; song, Mr. F. Maxwell; song Mr. G. Bee; song, Mr. F. Bridger; violin solo, from "Basticana," Mr. A. Attwood; quartette, Party; song, Madam Scothern. The accompanist was Mr. W. Fox.
  Mr. Clarke voiced the thanks of the visitors, Mr. Davies supporting, and referred to the untiring efforts in music of the Cooper family for 30 years. Mr. Betts moved a vote of thanks to Mrs. Edwards and her helpers for the excellent way they had catered, and this was endorsed by all present. The Chairman moved a vote of thanks to the artistes, for their contributions to the evening's enjoyment, and this was supported by Mr. W. Whyid, the oldest member of the Band, who paid a special tribute to W. Fox, the pianist.
  Mr. Chas. A. Cooper (Bandmaster) moved a vote of thanks to the Chairman, and made reference to the times when he had stood by the Band in their dark days. He was pleased to say, however, that the Band could look to brighter things ahead, and that if support were forthcoming, the Band would compete at the Leicester Festival in March, where they had a record equal to any band in the Midlands. Mr. J.E. Limb (President) supported the proposition, and Mr. Coupe briefly replied a pleasant evening being brought to a close with the singing of the National Anthem.


  The marriage was solemnised at the Huthwaite Parish Church on Saturday between Mr. Charles Edward Allen, son of Mr. Albert Allen, of 63 Institute Street, Stanton Hill, and Miss Annie Rhodes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Rhodes, of 136, Main Street, Huthwaite. The Rev W.L. Boulton (Vicar) officiated, and the service was choral, the hymn "The Voice that breathed o'er Eden," being sung, whilst Mr. Hill (organist) played appropriate music.
  Given away be her father, the bride was attired in an ankle length satin beaute dress, trimmed with pearls, with wreath and veil, and shoes and stockings to match, and carried a bouquet composed of cream tea roses, lillies of the valley, white heather and trailing fern.
  She was attended by six bridesmaids, viz., Misses Nellie, Doris and Irene Rhodes (sisters), Mildred Allen (sister of the bridegroom), Dorothy Jones (friend) and Dorothy Bettison (cousin of the bride). They wore pretty dresses of blue, with headdresses of silver leaves, and carried beautiful bouquets of flowers. There was also a small page boy, these duties being carried out by Master Geoffrey Rhodes (nephew of the bride), who was dressed in a white satin suit. Mr. Joseph Pike (friend of the bridegroom) was best man.
  A reception was held at the Huthwaite Drill Hall, many friends being entertained, and the numerous and handsome presents included one from the bride's fellow employees at Messrs. Barringer, Wallis and Manners.
  The future address of Mr. and Mrs. Allen will be Woodland Avenue, Chesterfield Road, Huthwaite.


  The sporting public of Sutton and district have once again the opportunity of witnessing a Midland Counties' Cross Country Championship. The Everill Cup team race has been allotted to the local club, and will be held from Messrs. Simpson, Wright and Lowe's ground to-morrow.
  the race, which is one of the most popular events of the cross-country season, attracts a larger field than any other race held in this country. For to-morrow's event there is an entry of 29 teams, and there will be a field of over 340 runners. A special train has been commissioned to convey competitors and officials from the Birmingham area.

Competing Teams.

  The teams entered are B.T.H. (Rugby), Sutton Harriers, Boots (Nottingham) Harriers, Stourbridge A.C., Birmingham University, Birchfield Harriers, Notts. A.C., Ilkeston A. and C.C., Lozells Harriers, Sunbeam A.C., Tipton Harriers, Derby and County A.C., West Bromwich Harriers, Dunlop A.C., Wolverhampton Harriers, Sparkhill Harriers, Smethwick Harriers, Kettering Town Harriers, Godiva (Coventry) Harriers, Ollerton Harriers, Beeston C.B.A.C., Raleigh (Nottingham) A.C., Arley Colliery A.C., Nuneaton Harriers, Small Heath Harriers, Coventry, Birchfield Harriers, Dudley Harriers and Hucknall Harriers.
  Warwickshire, with an entry of 11 clubs, is the most strongly represented county, so far as numbers are concerned. Nottinghamshire will have seven clubs in the field, Staffordshire five, Worcestershire three, Derbyshire two, and Northamptonshire one.
  The clubs with the finest records in the event are Tipton Harriers, Sutton Harriers, and Birchfield Harriers. Tipton have been successful on six occasions, and the two later clubs have each provided five winning teams. These three clubs are expected to be well to the fore again this year, but many experienced judges are naming Ilkeston as the probable winners.

Sutton Confident.

  One of Ilkeston's runners, A. Keetley, is strongly fancied for the individual championship, but Sutton Harriers are confident that in D. Darnell they have a runner capable of beating all the other competitors in the race. Darnell has been running up to E. Ceney, the international in inter-club events, and it is felt that he well repeat Ceney's triumph of 1928.
  Sutton are by no means a one-man team, however, for in C. Stain, S. Whetton, A. Green, F. Long, H. Bell, G. Jones, and L. Thorpe, they have runners who should add to the club's fine team record in this championship.
  The Sutton successes in this race were in 1911, 1913, 1919, 1922, and 1925. They have also occupied second and third positions several times. Individual winners who have worn the club's colours are J. Dennis, C. Sinfield, E. Farnsworth and E. Ceney, and, in addition J.M. Briggs and J. Hartley have both finished second.
  The course chosen is one of about 1¾ miles, and, as the distance of the race is 5½ miles, the runners will go three laps. The start and finish will be at Messrs. Simpson, Wright and Lowe's ground, and spectators will be able to follow the progress of the race from there.

Respected Huthwaite Resident's Death.

  The funeral took place at Huthwaite yesterday (Thursday) of Mrs. Emma Taylor, of Summer Hill, Huthwaite. Deceased, who was 68 years of age, would have celebrated her golden wedding in February next.
  Mrs. Taylor, who had been seriously ill since Whitsuntide, was a native of Nottingham, but came to Huthwaite in early girlhood. She possessed a very pleasing voice and a love of music, and was, in her early years, a member of the choir in the old Wesleyan Church on the Market Place. Subsequently, she was a member of the Parish Church, and a constant helper at a time when all possible help was needed for new enterprise. The family have always been loyal church members and her husband, Mr. A. Taylor, has been church warden, and in a wider sphere has been Urban District Councillor and chairman of the Council.

Support of Deserving Causes.

  The late Mrs. Taylor was an ex-president of the Huthwaite Women's Unionist Association, but one of her greatest interests was her membership of the Mothers' Union, of which she was ex-president. She also lent ready help to the Nursing Association and other deserving movements, and was always willing to allow open-air charitable events to be held in the pleasant grounds of "Summer Hill." She also endeared herself to many by quiet acts of charity, and her passing will be a severe loss to many people and to all the benevolent institutions in the town. She was a kind and tactful hostess and a warm friend and fond of young people, and was held in the highest esteem by all.
  The funeral was conducted by the Rev. W.L. Boulton, and a large congregation assembled at the Parish Church. Mr. H. Wilson was the organist and played .....

The Mourners.

  The mourners were Mr. A. Taylor, husband; Mrs. Goss, Mrs. Frettingham and Miss F. Taylor, daughters; Mr. George Crafts, Mrs. H. Lynes, Mr. Arthur Crafts, Mrs. W. Pepper, Mr. Wilfred Crafts, Miss Maude Crafts, Mr. Ernest Crafts, Miss Cecilia Crafts, Mr. Bernard Crafts, Mrs. A.A. Moses and Mrs. Hawkins, brothers and sisters; Mr. H. Frettingham, son-in-law; Mrs. Charlie Coupe, sister-in-law; Mr. W. Pepper, brother-in-law; Mrs. Arthur Crafts, Mrs. Wilfred Crafts, sisters-in-law; Mr. A.A. Moses, brother-in-law; and Mrs. Matthew Barnes, niece.
  Others present included Councillors F.C. Sowter, J.P., Mr. and Mrs. M. Betts, Mr. and Mrs. C.H. Coupe, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lineker, Mr. G.G. Bonser, J.P., Mr. and Mrs. H.A. Simpson, Mr. and Mrs. T.H. Garnett, Mr. and Mrs. W. Lee, Mr. and Mrs. T. Goodall, Mrs. A. Wilders, Mr. and Mrs. F. Grierson, Mr. and Mrs. W. Ramsell, Mothers' Union members; Mr. E.H. Lowe, and Mr. J. Wright, senior.
  The bearers were Messrs. Eric and Frank Crafts, sons of Mr. Arthur Crafts, Harold and Alfred Crafts, sons of Mr. George Crafts, Wilfred and Bernard Crafts, sons of Mr. Wilfred Crafts, Mr. J.G. Dobb, Mr. E. Clipstone, Mr. Matthew Barnes (nephew-in-law) and Mr. George Taylor (nephew). ...


  Organised under the auspices of the tennis section of the Notts. and Derbyshire Collieries' Alliance, the annual dance and presentation of awards took place at the Annesley Miners' Welfare on Friday, when about 120 people attended. Amongst those present were Mr. N.D. Todd, M.C. (general manager of Teversal Collieries, and president of the League), supported by Mrs. Todd, Lt.-Col. and Mrs. Chaworth Musters, Mr. T. Platt (manager of Annesley Collieries) and Mrs. Platt, Mr. T. Maddock and Mr. and Mrs. J. Herberts.

Thirty-five Cups.

  The display of thirty-five cups and replicas gained by the numerous competitors, made a remarkable display on th platform, .....
  In introducing Mrs. N.D. Todd, who made the presentation, Mr. T. Maddock made reference to the very sporting spirit which had been in evidence throughout the past season, and particularly at Huthwaite, where they had gained three of the five league trophies competed for. ...
  Mrs. Todd then made the following awards:-
  Knock-out Challenge Cup, Mixed Doubles. Huthwaite Champions- Mr. S. Marshall, Miss E. Naylor, Mr. H. Rogers, Miss E.A. Allsop, Mr. E. Dyment, Mrs. Ward.

Fox Challenge Cup.

  Knock-out Competition, Gent's Doubles. Huthwaite Champions- Mr. R. Dickens, Mr. E. Dyment, Mr. S. Marshall, Mr. H. Rogers, Mr. P. Spencer, Mr. M. Clarke.
  "A" Section, Mixed Doubles Challenge Cup. Huthwaite Champions Mr. S. Marshall, Miss E. Taylor, Mr. H. Rogers, Miss E.A. Allsop, Mr. R. Dickens, Mrs. Ward. .....


  NEVER in its 47 years' existence has Sutton Town Football Club been so much to the fore in the world of sport as it is to-day. The club made history when the First Round Proper of the English Cup was reached, but even this brilliant achievement was surpassed on Saturday, when Rochdale, a Northern Division Club, was knocked out of this round by two goals to one, and the town went into the hut for the second round draw. In this Town's good luck still held, and they were paired at home against Reading, a Southern Division Club.
  Whether or not Sutton make any further progress in the National Competition - and let it be said right away that they are facing the Reading match with the utmost confidence - their excellent performances on Saturday will not easily be forgotten. Their victory was no "fluke," as all who witnessed the thrilling game will testify, Rochdale being beaten purely and simply on their merits.

Outstanding Event.

  Sutton's achievement has been acclaimed throughout the country as the outstanding event in Saturday's ties, and the club is being talked about in places where it had never been mentioned before, but none is more proud of Town's eleven successful players than the club's loyal band of supporters. ....

Written 02 Mar 13 Revised 02 Mar 13 © by Gary Elliott