Archived Extracts

Notts Free Press - 1924

Sourced and supplied by Mr Trev Ashmore, the subject raised may have been intended at time to cause embarrassment for all those named. But it can now only simply expose historic detailing. Giving mention to many older family names for genealogy interests, also addressing past yards and streets, plus needs for more affordable village housing comparing amounts with 21st century renting and council tax demands.

Huthwaite Rates

Considerable difficulty has been encountered by the Huthwaite Council in obtaining rates, for tenants of several houses are being victimised by boarders. In the majority of cases, the tenants are elderly people, not in good financial circumstances, and to eke out a living take in boarders, who, not being the registered tenants, escape without having to pay any share of the rates. This state of affairs has been known to have existed by the local authority, but there does not appear to be any remedy. Another large batch of summons was issued last week, to the number of 106, for nonpayment of General District Rate, and about another 103 for nonpayment of Poor Rate. The amounts owing were from 10s. 6d. to £2 7s. 3d., and the magistrates made orders and costs in each case.

For District Rate, the following had orders issued against them, nearly 50 others having paid beforehand :- H. Hayes, Allsop's yard; H Thompson, Sansom's-yard; B. Moakes and S. Fox, Swan-yard; Wm. Stopps and S. Scothern, Pilsworth's-yard; Samuel Stones, G. Greatorex, G. Goddard and B. Lee, Station-road; A. Shore and J. Holmes, senior, Wood-end; Wm. Wain, John West, J. T. Machin, A. Scothern, J. T. Brown, Mrs. Jacques, J. H. Barlow, G. Bowler and Joseph Marshall, Blackwell-road; John Bowler, Woodhead's-yard; James Hancock, J. T. Woodland, G Rodgers, Wm. Spencer, Pit-row; Wm. Gamble, Wm. Dennis and C. H. Wint, Longsides; John Maltby, E. Bancroft, A. Greatorex and Wm. Hill, Main-street; E. White, Jessie Shephard, W. Cox, George Percival, Samuel Hallam, George Winson, Chas. Oliver, Robert Williams, Alfred Hill, Richard Barnes, Geo. Hulme, Florence Shephard, Alfred Birk, John James Bradley, J. Harrison, Newcastle-street; C. H. Reed, King-street; John Bee and Charles Allsop, Sutton-road; Albert Sissons, Ted Dykes and Jos. Wilson, Sherwood-street.

For Poor Rate the following had orders issued against them, half having paid beforehand :- John Bee, G. Percival, G. Barnes, G. Allsop, S. Hallam, G. Winson, J. T. Bradley, R. Bowers, A. Reeves, J. W. Gunby, F. Wilson, C. W. Ashton, J. T. Goddard, W. Longden, A. Sissons, G. W. Reeves, H. Hayes, A. Greatorex, G. W. Ashmore, H. Wilson, J. W. Wilson, S. Fox, G. Copestake, J. Clynes, A. Rhodes, J. T. Machin, W. P. Stopps, S. Stones, G. A. Greatorex, G. Goddard, B. Lee, J. P. Elliott, G. Freeman, W. H. Holmes, W. Wain, J. W. West, J. Bowler, A. Brown, A. Nunn, Mrs Jacques, H. Draycott, F. Baker, J. Marshall, C. H. Wint and T. Wright.

Owing to the acute housing shortage at Huthwaite, often four adults independent of each other can be found in one house, and do not contribute towards the rates. In these cases, the magistrates realised the position, and gave the tenant advice as to the steps to be taken.

Written 05 Nov 07 Revised 20 Mar 09 © by Gary Elliott