Online Reference Library
Works by Local Historians
1677 Dr Robert Thoroton
1790 John Throsby - Notts
1838 Dr S T Hall - Sutton
1907 Luther Lindley Sutton
1907 L Lindley - Huthwaite
1909 Beardsmore Hucknall
1948 GG Bonser - Sutton
1978 W Clay-Dove - Sutton
1989 #1 William Clay-Dove
1989 #2 William Clay-Dove
Photos by Ernald H. Lakin
1996 Dr Grant - Hucknall

Reference Library

Local Historians

Luther Lindley 1867-1912

Front cover boldly claimed NEVER BEFORE PUBLISHED IN AS COMPREHENSIVE A FORM. lindleyAnd who could disagree when first printed and published 1907 by L. Lindley, Parliament Street, Sutton-in-Ashfield. His book subtitled 'Past Links with the Present' did include, and so helpfully preserve works by past historians, while further acknowledging several contributing researchers of the time. The death of Mr L. Lindley is found reported by The London Gazette" when notice concerning his estate is offered 30th March 1912 by his Executive Solicitor J. H. Westyr-Evans of 17 Quay Street, Cardiff.

After finding the book republished in 1983, this work is fully reproduced on the Nottingham History website. Transcribed here are just shortened extracts giving separate historic reference of relational developments leading from our primary town of Sutton-in-Ashfield. Our once integral Huthwaite and Fulwood areas are separately covered when recognising individual parish status.

History of Sutton-in-Ashfield 1907


Is a parish in no way connected with Sutton, except formerly in Church matters, the parishioners having acquired a right to burial and marriage at Sutton.lindley

It is the last parish in the county of Nottingham in this direction. There is a tradition amongst the people that a Church was formerly commenced here on the site of the old windmill, but that it was never finished. In 1867 a commodious National School was built by the late Rev. Charles Bellairs (Vicar of Sutton), on a piece of land presented by the Dowager Countess of Carnarvon, who at the same time gave £460 towards the building. Divine service was formerly held twice every Sunday in this school, which is licensed for the purpose— the afternoon service being conducted by the then Vicar of Sutton, or one of the curates, and that in the evening by Mr. C. B. Beecroft, the Lay Reader of Sutton Church.

In 1873 a sum of money was raised, through the liberality of the Dowager Countess of Carnarvon, the Hon. C. L. Lyttelton, Lord Robartes, Mr. W. H. Gladstone, M.P., Rev. C. H. Prance, and others, for the purpose of providing a curate for Huthwaite, and the result has been highly gratifying.

A commodious Church was built, the Rev. J. B. Hyde, Rector of Kirk Ireton, having, when Vicar of Sutton in 1898, initiated the building scheme, and on Saturday, November 22nd. 1902, the foundation stone of the sacred edifice was laid by her Grace the Duchess of Portland, who was accompanied by the Duke, who gave £500.

On Saturday, December 12th, 1903, the Church was opened and dedicated by the Lord Bishop of Southwell (Dr. Ridding), and on Saturday, November 4th, 1906, the Church was consecrated by the Bishop of Derby. In April, 1906, Huthwaite was made a district chapelry, and the patronage of the living then falling to the Vicar of Sutton, the Rev. F. J. Adams offered it to the Rev. F. N. Beswick, who went to Huthwaite in 1900. In July, 1906, the rev. gentleman was instituted Vicar of Huthwaite by the Bishop of Derby (Dr. Were).

In 1907, Hucknall Huthwaite had its name changed to "Huthwaite" only, and in the same year the holding of the annual feast was altered from the middle of July to the first week in September.

Parish Charities   Some few, consisting merely of small charges on certain lands, ...
... and now lost... 6s. pr annum charged on a piece of land at Hucknall called the Whitebarrow Piece.

Anne Mason, by her will bearing date first November, 1669, gave a field called Fenny Bank to certain trustees to be let by them, and with the rent thereof to pay yearly for the learning of the poorest men's children of Sutton and Hucknall, until they could read the Bible, and then to put others in their room, and so on for ever; and she directed that her trustees should choose one of the overseers of Sutton and Hucknall to assist them every year in putting such children to school; and if any of her trustees should dip the survivors should choose another in his place. The parish is not possessed of any deeds relating to this charity, and the rent of the field (£3 per annum), has for many years past been paid to the managers of tne Sutton National School, who give one-half of the rent to the funds thereof, and the other for teaching poor people at Hucknall.

It is stated on a tablet in the church that Elizabeth Boot in her life time gave a field called Pothouse Close, the rents to be applied for putting poor children to school for ever. This field is situate in Fulwood Lane, and contains one acre and three roods, and it was resolved at a parish meeting held about A..D. 1825, that the rent should in future be carried to the funds of the National school.


Is a hamlet about a mile from Sutton on the Alfreton Road, containing about 250 people, and within this hamlet is an extra-parochial place called "The Crowtrees," now made a separate parish under 20 Vict. c.19, containing only about 14 inhabitants, including children. They are—Mrs. Clarke, who has an occupiers' vote; Messrs. W. Clarke (overseer) and F. Clarke (sons), who have lodger votes; the Misses Clarke (2); and two farm servants who live in the house.

There is also a house below for farm servants who are eligible to vote. Mr. George Bryan, of Wincobank Farm, has also a vote for land in Fulwood parish, as well as the Great Central Railway Company in respect of line of main railway and colliery branch, and the New Hucknall and South Normanton Colliery Companies for coal output. The assistant overseer and rate collector is Mr. J. G. Wharmby, Bentinck Street, Sutton-in-ashfield.

"Crowtrees" is the site of an ancient religious house, in connection with some foreign monastery, of which, however, we find no mention in Dugdale's Monasticon. Fulwood is called in the Perambulation of the Forest taken in Henry VIII's reign. "The Coppice of the Lord the King called ffulwood;" and it may be noticed amongst the titles of the Dukes of Newcastle is that "Steward, Keeper, and Guardian of the Park of Folewood. in the county of Nottingham;" and the family still enjoy a small estate there. "The Crowtrees" is now the property of the Duke of Portland.

12 Jan 12     by Gary Elliott       Updated 05 Apr 14