Index Handling L.S.D.
1935 History of Money
Old Silver Coinage
Gold to Paper Notes
Posting Royal Mail
Huthwaite Post Office
Huthwaite Banking
Friendly Societies
Sick & Dividing Rules
Building Societies

Handling L.S.D.

Huthwaite Banking

The nearest high street bank and building society branches are all currently located in Sutton-in-Ashfield town. Some names reflect mergers also combining those financial institutions. Cost efficiency may have swept away most smaller branch counters, including those from Huthwaite, while the majority of regular financial transactions can now be done over the internet. It was the branded supermarket chains which have since introduced several free cashpoint machines for dispensing bank notes.

The General Post Office has also expanded its banking services, to similarly fully offer personal loans, mortgages, credit cards and current accounts. Back in the days when few had need for a bank other than those running a business, the earliest Huthwaite Post Office Market Street offered safe transferal of funds by Postal Money Orders.

A look up Market Street before clearance of all older properties reveals the originally sited Post Office central on left side, which was lastly taken over by Westminster Bank. Heavy door fronting right corner onto Sutton Road is where a National Provincial Bank was longer recognised, after a 1932 directory listed both.

From 1968 merger of those two banks, that single corner branch continued to serve Huthwaite under renamed sign recognising a National Westminster Bank.   When that company sought need to refocus its interests, it was renamed again as NatWest But that came after decimalisation, plus much more radical changes effecting entire UK 1990's financial markets.

That NatWest Huthwaite branch never outwardly displayed any modern ATM machines prior closure, which likely just predated a 2000 takeover by The Royal Bank of Scotland. They still retain NatWest company name elsewhere, nearest being in Sutton.

While Huthwaite did boast two banks, such institutions had generally not been trusted by everyone. For working families who could save hard earned shillings and pence, a secret biscuit tin or jar may have long sufficed. But two other options did gain popularity.

13 Mar 14     by Gary Elliott       Updated 24 Feb 19