The Boot Family

John Boot 1801-1893

Mineral Surveyors of Hucknall-under-Huthwaite

John is the son of Eleazor and Rose Boot, and finding of a recorded delivery notice dated 21st September 1848 from Squire Dodsley to John Boot at Skegby Colliery may earliest indicate him running the family firm.

John Boot 1801-1893

That unknown message is deduced from comparable timings as an alert for actual flooding of a working seam. Bad news for production, and another inherently dangerous concern for underground workers being pushed ever deeper into reaching richer coal deposits.

The difference in job titles held between father and son offers timely indication of the advancements made among local mining. When Eleazor first established himself as a Mining Agent, his role largely entailed managing and directing poorest paid labourers. Numerous older bell shafts peppered northern meadows spanning Huthwaite borders sited upon naturally exposed coal deposits. Unconcerned about basic mining methods or workers safety their evolving skills were primarily being employed for seeking more profitable seams.

Recognising John Boot with title Mineral Surveyor describes evolving services becoming widely sought. Some regional landowners had casually employed poorest tenants picking surface coals. Realising growing markets fed a fuel hungry industrial revolution, their lands held hidden potential for upping a private income. Deeper mining techniques began tapping this hidden wealth, whilst surveyors professionally planned best access routes for siting investment into larger collieries.

The 1851 census for Hucknall-under-Huthwaite identfies John Boot with wife Anne heading a grown family. Including retired father Eleazor, their relocation here notes loss of mother Rose and youngest child named Alfred, although remaining blessed with three sons and two daughters. Eldest aged 31 is Eleazor John. A Clerk by occupation in his last listing at home before losing recorded knowledge of his future whereabouts.

Elder daughter Rose Anne when aged 18 is a teacher, quite possibly involved with the Wesleyan chapel schooling founded by grandfather Eleazor. She later marries into another locally established Hill family and more about that sucessful Huthwaite relationship can be found separately featured. Young Paulina weds also, but does retain household listing in the next 1861 census under married name of Berkham, when aged 23 and a School Mistress.

John Boot and Sons

John Boot was actually one enumerator for the 1861 Hucknall Huthwaite census, when showing his two remaining sons also share professions as Land Agents, Surveyors and Mining Engineers under highly respected company title of John Boot and Sons. Little else is known about younger son A D Boot Andrew David, whom may also be shown kneeling afront other possible family relations, before presumably moving area and starting his own family. Boot Family

Elder son John Thomas next asserts his fully qualified role in Huthwaite, to achieve esteemed recognition for promoting the family business. Wed to wife Harriette from Gloucester, the 1861 survey also reveals they had two young Huthwaite born children. Living next door Eleazor makes him a great grandfather before reaching final fine old age of 85.

Whites 1864 commercial directory explains in the entry for Hucknall-under-Huthwaite how several deeper known coal seams remained elusive to older methods used at our original Hucknall colliery. But John Boot and Sons continue overseeing progressions elsewhere through Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire and Leicestershire. Lady Carnarvon of Teversal being among royalty owners who gained their services before helping site plans for again privately sinking a modern and far larger New Hucknall colliery.

Whites 1864 directory for Hucknall-under-Huthwaite
John Boot - Mining engineer, mineral surveyor and land agent
John Thomas Boot - Land and mineral surveyor, Spring Cottage
Alfred Eley - Assistant mineral surveyor to Mr. Boot, Spring bank
William George Treadwell - Asst. surv. to Mr Boot, Spring Cottage
Note:- Alfred Boot Draper & John Boot Farmer are also listed but not as known relatives.

Additionally shown listed in the 1864 directory are names of Treadwell and Eley. And housed within the family run company, holding an unlocated past addressing given at Spring Cottage. The photo below is believed showing an aging John senior seated among his Boot relations, around time a report concerning the Molyneux Colliery disaster proves errors were sadly made.

The inquest highlights grave working conditions and unsafe practices commonly employed to the detriment of poorest underground labourers. Boot FamilyNonetheless, it does helpfully confirm William G. Treadwell as being a brother-in-law of John Thomas, and may further suggest how Eley could similarly have married into the firm.

Critical allegations faced by John senior may be reason for finding his attention diverted into 1869 restorations upon the Wesleyan chapel. It had been founded by his father and now both parents lay buried within its grounds. But the family run business by 1874, again displays full signs of success when next addressing John Boot & Son in a fine new residence at The Orchards.

Written 24 May 04 Revised 30 Nov 12 © by Gary Elliott