Gallery of Events
Market Place Venues
May Day Maypoles
Fairground Wakes
Whitsuntide Walks
Huthwaite Carnivals
1937 Aeroplane Crash
Victory Celebrations
Christmas Nativity
2002 - Church Hall Fire
2003 - Workies Revamp
2003 -Church Centenary
2003 - Workies Funday
2005 - Hall Replacement
2006 - The ASC Opened
2011 - Workies > Tesco
2012 - Hart   >   Premier
2013 -   Medical Centre
Housing Developments

Photo Gallery

Events & Celebrations

Bank Holidays

Some workers may regard having a day off is reason enough for celebrating. Here dates the given national public holidays enjoyed in England annually, either by convention and or statute law set by UK parliament. Bank holidays afford mid year breaks. That term now generally includes some of the following dates from the christian calender which are better recognised for traditional festivities. If fixed annual dates fall upon weekends, the following Monday is usually the substituted workday given a public holiday that year.

14 Nov 11     by Gary Elliott       Updated 30 Jun 23