Addressing Huthwaite
Housing Developments
1976 - 2000 Croft Court
1976 - Mill Close Centre
1995 - Whitegates Way
1997 - Elmhurst Drive
2000 - The Croft 79-83
2001 Pit Rd -> Mill Lane
2002 - Maycroft Gardens
2002 - Park Gardens    
2004 - North Street 41-43
2006 - Newcastle Street
2007 - Mercia Court    
2011 - Main Sttret Croft
2012 - Dein Court No 1-3
2012 - Portland Heights
2013 Shop 18 Gem Flat
2017 - Wrights Yard Flats
2017 - New Street Flats

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Property Developments

Mill Close & Community Centre

Circled by blocks of council built 2 bedroom flats plus bedsits addressing Mill Close, residential care was given 40 apartments from a centrally sited Communal Centre. They were built circa 1976, replacing with name a formerly addressed Mill House. The Centre since offers broader Community use, and is the single polling station for all future Huthwaite and Brierley Ward electoral voters.

Community Centre

Huthwaite Community Centre stands directly upon foundations of a far grander residence built by Simeon Watson. That first New Hucknall Colliery manager secured it's lofty position overlooking that southern pit yard. Prominent location seems to have initially inspired name for Hill House, until quickly realising his larger plot held greater historic significance replacing a Huthwaite windmill.

Mill HouseCommunity Centre Mill CloseMill Close

Gardens behind Mill House extended down to an adjoining colliery welfare park from which Mr Watson, a later J.P. invited social gatherings. His 1933 death finds the family property advertised for sale, and losing none of its grandeur lastly housing a Dr Gaston. He later added a separate small surgery room sited around the present car parking area on right, shared by Dr Don Clitheroe.

Mill CloseMill Close

My fathers camera offers 1970s comparisons from when rear field still provided grazing for the annual release of pit ponies to enjoy several days holiday in sunlight. A lawn ever since backs both Mill Close plus similar constructed Mill Lane housing, shown 2006.

Pit PoniesMill Close
Mill House

Ashfield Homes
now just another renamed service once managing Mill Close and other Council related properties

24 Jan 13     by Gary Elliott       Updated 15 Dec 19