A Grand Football Match will be played at Hucknall Huthwaite, (to-morrow), for the benefit of a deceased boy's parents. The team will include the Rev H.D.R. Hawkins, and Messrs. H. and G. Brodhurst.-Advt.
ACCIDENT.- On Saturday week, while John Carter was engaged wedging some coals in the B Winnings Colliery, a portion of the wedge flew off and penetrated his eye. He went to Nottingham Hospital, but on Friday last his eye had to be taken out, as it was found to be cut to pieces.
PRIMITIVE METHODIST CHAPEL.- On Sunday last, two sermons were preached in the above place, by the Rev. D. Hurd, of Ripley, and on Monday, there was a public tea. In the evening, a lecture was delivered by the same gentleman, entitled, "Fifty years in the Ministry." Mr. W. Pembleton occupied the chair. The services, tea, and lecture were largely attended and the collections good.
LOCAL BOARD.- The monthly meeting of the above Board was held on Monday evening, there being present - Messrs. S. Watson (chairman), R. Wright, Oxley, J. Stringfellow, T. Robinson, and E. Barrows.
The Surveyor's statement was read, and showed that he had expended £8 1s. 6d. during the month being £8, a cheque for that amount was signed.
It was resolved that Mr. Willey should be asked to furnish a detailed plan showing the drainage and sewage at the home he is erecting on the Sutton road.
Mr. Rudge furnished an estimate for the cemetery road, and it was resolved that he be directed to furnish a plan showing the boundary wall, gates, details of planting the shrubs, and the quantity required.
It was also resolved that the Board should fall in with the proposals of the Sutton Local Board for the supply of water, and that the details be settled between the two committees.
The Clerk was instructed to write to the engineers and ask them to prepare an estimate of the cost of carrying out the scheme.
The balance in the Treasurer's hands was reported to be - cemetery account £124 1s. 3d.; and general district rate £142 8s. 4d.- making a total, of £266 9s. 7d. The Collector reported having received of the rate £2 8s. 7d., and for house rent 15s.
The people of Hucknall Huthwaite have come to a sensible conclusion. Compelled to provide a supply of pure water for the parish, they have agreed to get the same from the Sutton Local Board. This will ensure good water at a low rate, the price charged being 7d. per thousand gallons throughout. This is better than getting a supply from disused Coal Mines.
MARSHALL. -On Jan. 9th, Gersham, son of Herbert Marshall, Hucknall Huthwaite, aged 18 yrs.
On Tuesday morning a very serious accident happened at the Silver Hill Pit, belonging to the Stanton Ironworks Company, which is situate at Teversal, near Mansfield. At about a quarter past eight o'clock, whilst eight men were being lowered in a cage to the workings, something in connection with the engines went wrong, and the engineman lost all control over them. The consequence was that the cage was precipitating at full speed down the shaft, and the ascending cage came up as rapidly and smashed into the headstocks above. King's patent safety hooks were in use, and the cage which came up the shaft was consequently caught and held, but the winding rope was severed. This of course caused considerable alarm, and in a short time several hundred people gathered round the pit mouth, and a report was currently circulated that the unfortunate men who were in the cage had been killed. Dr. Standen and his assistant (Mr. Welsh), of Stanton Hill; Dr. Stamford, of Tibshelf; Mr. W. Hey, of Pleasley, manager of the Colliery; and Mr. J. Morton, mining engineer, were speedily on the spot, and at once set to work to improvise means to rescue and ascertain the fate of the men at the bottom of the shaft, which was of course rendered useless for the time being. The furnace of the upcast shaft was put out without delay, and as soon as possible Dr. Standen and others descended. The rescuing party happily found all the men alive, but two of them, named William Moore (of Sutton-in-Ashfield) and William Moakes (of Wood End, Hucknall-under-Huthwaite), were found to have sustained such serious injuries that their immediate removal to the Chesterfield Hospital was considered necessary. The other injured men were John Severns, Meden Bank; William Mason, Hucknall Huthwaite; William Holland, Wood End, Hucknall Huthwaite; William Copestake, Sutton-in-Ashfield; Joseph Sykes, Sutton-in-Ashfield; and William Barber, Sutton-in-Ashfield. These men, whose injuries consisted chiefly of bruises and internal derangements, were removed to their homes in conveyances lent by several hospital neighbours. One of them, however, had a leg broken in two places. Great praise is due to the doctors and the authorities for the manner in which the injured men were rescued. The process of bringing them to the bank was a tedious one, only one person at a time being enabled to be drawn up the upcast shaft.
Owing to a serious compound comminated fracture of the thigh, it was found necessary to amputate Moore's leg, but in spite of every attention he died during the night. The other injured men are progressing favourably.
This is the name of a rustic festival which is celebrated the first Monday after Twelfth Day (January 11th this year), bearing reference to the resumption of labour after the Christmas holidays. The ploughmen in bygone days kept lights burning before certain images in churches to obtain a blessing on their work, and it was their custom to go about on that day in procession with the object of collecting money for the maintenance of these "plough lights," as they were called. The Reformation extinguished these lights, but the festival was not discontinued with the period. Instead of obtaining money for the primary object they spent it in conviviality in the public-house. To this day "Plough Bullocks" are occasionally to be met with in country places in Derbyshire. They consist of a number of young men, chiefly engaged in agricultural pursuits, who are donned out in ribbons, their shirts (for they do not wear either coats or waistcoats) being literally covered with rosettes of various colours, and their hats encircled by ribbons, and decorated with every kind of ornament which is accessible. These joskins yoke themselves to a plough, which they draw about, preceded by a band of music, from house to house, collecting the current coin fo the realm. They are accompanied by the Fool and Bessy, the former of whom is dressed in the skin of a calf with the tail hanging down behind, and carries an inflated bladder tied to the end of a long stick, by way of a whip, which he does not fail to apply pretty soundly to the heads and shoulders of the team. Bessy is generally a young an clad in female attire. When anything is given a cry of "Largesa!" is raised, and if they meet with a refusal to their application for money, they occasionally (but rarely, I imagine) plough up the footpath, doorstep, or any other portion of the premises they happen to be near.-B.
The origin of this is explained as follows: "On May 31, 1817, Napoleon I, is reported to have said to Barry O'Meara, 'You were greatly offended with me for having called you a nation of shopkeepers. Had I meant by that that you were a nation of cowards you would have reason to be displeased. . . I meant that you were a nation of merchants, and that all your great riches arose from commerce. . . More-over, no man of sense ought to be ashamed of being called a shopkeeper,'" -Voice from St. Helena, vol.ii.p.81.
THE LABOUR VOTE.- The London Telegraph says:- Some prominent members of the Conservative party propose to take immediate steps for ascertaining why the vote of the colliers, miners, and agricultutal labourers in some counties was given against them at the late election. The subject will be discussed at an early meeting of the council of the National Union of Conservative Associations, when the organisation of the party will also be brought under consideration. Several successful and unsuccessful Conservative candidates have indicated that they are dissatisfied with the existing organisation, especially as regards the county polling districts.
The latest feat in the way of electric lighting is the application of cell storage to pianos. The case of the instrument conceals the materials for an illumination lasting over ten hours.
The fish curers of Wick have determined to meet the excessive fish railway rates by means of running competition steamers from Wick to London. A vessel has been chartered, and the first consignment has already been despatched.
It is satisfactory to learn from many sources that the new year has opened up a vista full of promise for the cotton industry. Reports from different quarters are uniformly hopeful, and, if expectations are realised, neither employers nor operatives will have much reason to complain.
Written 15 Jan 1886 Revised 08 Dec 12 © by Gary Elliott