Information exposing here a very influential life of William Fidler was thoughtfully sent by Mr Eric Oliver. It all came to light when researching his partners family tree, because Carol Anthony proves to be a great great granddaughter of this relatively wealthy gentleman, with a family name deserving fuller Huthwaite recognition.
The funeral took place at Huthwaite on Tuesday of Mr. Wm. Fidler, who for the past 10 years has resided at Stretton Hall Farm, following his retirement from New Hucknall Colliery, where he was undermanager for 10 years.
Mr. Fidler was born at Codnor and worked originally at Brittain Colliery. He was a local preacher in the Ripley circuit and afterwards at Huthwaite for 40 years in all. He came to Huthwaite in 1890, and a few years later was made undermanager. When he retired in 1924 the company gave him £100 and the officials a gold watch. He filled many public positions, having been a church trustee, urban district councillor, and member of the Nursing Association. He was 83 years of age, and leaves two sons and two daughters. His wife died 37 years ago.
Prior to the interment, a service was held at Clay Cross ex-Methodist Church, which the late Mr. Fidler had attended. The Rev. Star officiated, and he also took part in the Sutton Road Church service at Huthwaite, assisted by the Rev. H.R. Hackforth. The organist was Mr. J. Weston, and the deceased's favourite hymn, "Jesus Shall Reign" was sung.
The mourners were:- Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Fidler, Huthwaite, Mr. and Mrs. C. Edwards. Stretton Hall, Mr. and Mrs. J. Fidler, Huthwaite (sons and daughter); Mr. and Mrs. J. Fidler, Fulwood; Mr. and Mrs. M. Steepes, Codnor (brother and sister); Mr. and Mrs. M. Steeples, junr., Miss Dorothy Steeples (nephew and niece). Grandchildren were:- Lizzie, Martha, Florrie (Stretton Hall), Annie, Elsie, Lizzie, Emma, May, Florrie, Pattie, Rosie, Ruth, Nancy, Sarah, Floss, Arnold, Alfred, Jack, Bob, Edward and Lucy (Huthwaite District). & New Hucknall Colliery was represented by Mr. H. B. Stevens (manager), J. Hodgkinson (enginewright), Messrs. J. Allen and A. Booth (deputies). Mr. J. Oliver attended as a former deputy.
Local preachers of the Mansfield circuit were represented by Messrs. A. E. Hesketh (Tibshelf), J. Parker and F. Lee (Pleasley), C. Wells (Huthwaite), Huthwaite U.D. Councillors included M. Betts and C. H. Coupe, J.P. Sutton Road Church members were H. Heath, J. Wells, Wm. Farnsworth and C. Evans, junior.
Besides the family flowers there were tokens from the New Hucknall Colliery officials, Sutton Road Church, Mr. and Mrs. J. Oliver, and Mr. and Mrs. J. Wells and family.
Written 28 Jan 16 Revised 08 Apr 17 © by Gary Elliott